Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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Just seen the promo myself and i fell off of my chair with shock, I can't believe he's back....our Speed's back. :D
Edited by Mod to add Spoiler Code
I had only seen the promo once and that was Monday night, but last night I saw it 2 times back to back. I am soooooo excited to see my Speedle again.
OMG I can't wait for Monday!! I seem the promos 3 times
last night and he looks so good that they made wanting more..
Why can't he pop in front of me like that?
Can U just image that. Your sitting alone at
home or where ever you are. You think of him
and pop there he is. Even for a moment what a
way to brighten up your day..!!! :) ;) :lol:
^^that would be awesome. to be able to make anyone just pop up in front of you whenever you wanted. what a super power to have. take that peter petrelli!
sanderslove said:
Need4Speed, Yes you can use my icon when I'm done you have to credit haunting_you24 she made it I cried when I sall it too! I made my siggy though it took forever to the color like that I wanted it to somewhat match the icon it's not exactly the way I wanted. But, I'm glad you like them!! :D

ok cool thanks....just pm when you're gonna change it :D and i'll be sure to credit Haunting_you24 :D although i just made my icon and siggy so i'll want these for a while.....

and only one more day!!!!! i can't stand it!!!!! :D
lol now that i think about it...what pictures don't i have!? LOL!!!! it's easier to name the ones i don't have!! LOL!!! lemme check...i know i have it somwhere.......here it is :D

Promo pic
ok cool thanks....just pm when you're gonna change it and i'll be sure to credit Haunting_you24 although i just made my icon and siggy so i'll want these for a while.....

and only one more day!!!!! i can't stand it!!!!!

Just had to say I love your siggy & your icon! I totally agree with your siggy I hope he is really there!

June_85, Thanks for the article!! :)
"I remember when I did 'Dazed and Confused.' For a year straight, they would just offer me drug-addict parts..."

OMG LOL!!! i died laughing when i read this part!!!! hehe.....it's so funny that they would only offer him drug addict parts :lol: poor Rory. although i must say...he made a very sexy stoner :p :lol:

and as for the more spoilerish parts
i'm still hoping that he'll be alive despite what Rory has said.....i really really want him to be alive. and i think it is a big deal even if he doesn't see it that way. and i'm sad that the only reason he quit in the first place was because of the DNA and science part of it....i would have found it intersting to learn new terminology all the time. i mean non of the crimes are ever the same so i don't know why he thouhgt it was boring :( all in all i really hope that the TPTB stick with their extreme habit of not telling the actors the straight truth and end up changing the story...because that will mean that he won't be a hallucination...he'll be alive if they keep up with thier habits. for once i hope they do. i really really want him to be alive because if he wasn't i don't think i could stand losing him all over again. plus if he's a hallucination that means that Eric isn't getting better...he's getting worse :(
sanderslove said:
timspeedlefan, Oh Yes! You Right It's A Very Big Deal!!
Just saw the promo again. (I stopped working on my paper for class long enough to see my Speedle) and I'm like Speedle's back and getting all excited and my family is looking at me like I'm totally nuts. :lol:
why do some of you call him "Speedle" i mean i know it's his formal name and all but i'd figured seeing as he's so important to you..you'd call him Speed or Speedy or soemthing like that.

i so can't wait!!!! finally....tomorrow is almost here!!!!! *squee*
Need4Speed said:
lol now that i think about it...what pictures don't i have!? LOL!!!! it's easier to name the ones i don't have!! LOL!!! lemme check...i know i have it somwhere.......here it is :D

Promo pic

Thank you :) I could never find a decent size pic of that promo online anywhere.
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