Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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calleighspeedle said:
thanks for the pics June 85 , where did you find those I've searched everywhere for pictures from comic con and couldn't find any?

I've have my ways :p

Oh, and sorry for the big picture :eek: thats the second time I've done that :rolleyes:
June_85 said:
I've highlighted a bit of the article which confuses me a little. As far as I was aware from Tops interview with Rory he filmed his scenes for the show a few weeks back. This promotion for RAYD in LA is new isn't it? Didn't he do a Q&A in LA only yesterday?

Hmmm, could he be filming more :confused: :D

It may have been that the interview was conducted a few weeks before the article ran. Rory was at the Right at Your Door screening that night!

I ended up going with a few of my friends, and let me tell you guys--this movie was awesome! I loved it. I was totally involved with the story and the characters. Rory was great as always--he really made his character very believable. And his co-star, Mary McCormack, was wonderful, too. I highly recommend the movie!

Rory and the writer/director did a brief Q&A after the film, which was interesting. Rory talked about making the character sympathetic and how that was the biggest challenge for him.

I got a pic of him which I will post as soon as I get it uploaded and get it hosted! :cool:
^^ No worries about the picture, June. ;) And thanks for that interview you posted! It was quite a read but definitely worth it. Also, those pictures are wonderful, thanks for sharing. :) I'm lovin' his style. (Except, er, the flipflops. :eek: Sorry, never been a fan.)

^ Top, I'm very happy you enjoyed the movie. :D I know the film's had various mixed reviews so it's excellent knowing that our resident 'reviewer' for CSIFiles found the movie a good watch. :)

Can't wait until you upload the picture!
here's what Speed would look like as a southpark character :D
thanks for the pics and interview June_85!
thats awesome that you got to see the movie and thanks for the review Top41 and i can wait to see your pics ;) and btw i love your avie.
ha ha aww he would make a cute cartoon.
Is it me or is this forum getting increasingly creepy.....?????????????? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

(Its like obssession taken to a whole new level :eek:)
Just a reminder that pictures posted here should be no larger than 480 pixels in length, ortherwise they may stretch the screen and it makes it plain hell for those who have slower or dial-up connections. ;)

oh i'm so sorry about that!! i didn't mean for it to be that big! i sincerely apologize!!! and....
OMG!!! the finale was so awesome!! it had so much Rory!!! and he looked so different because the had t make him look 40 years older so thay had his hair dyed grey!!! but the thing is he still looked sexy. and at the end :eek: they caught Yevgeny!!!! but they let him go thank god. and also towards the end he laughed, smiled twice and cried twice all in like the last 15 minutes!!! and it was so sweet...he was reunited with Azalia! and at first i thought she wasn't going to take him back, but then she did and they hugged! i was crying so much because it was just so sweet and happy!! this was the second best one of the three i think minaly because it was a whole lotta Rory. plus he laughed, smiled twice and cried twice all in 15 minutes. even though he looked older he was still very sexy. but the first one was the best because..he was young, he laughed, cried and smile a whole lot, plus i loved the "pimp" looking outfit at the begining! then the second one third because it didn't have a lot of Rory, but it did have his funniest moment. and I alos liked them because the story was just so awesome and amazing!!
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