Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

you know we should just start writing our own series for Speed. :D wouldn't that be great? i'm already thinking of writing it....just for my own personal satisfaction. :devil: :D

now i'm excited for Black and White....Rory shirtless....*drools* :devil: :D
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

i already started a Speed story, it has two sequels, one is done and on in the process. they are love stories, though. but i think you guys might enjoy them, the first one is called "A love like no other" and the second is "Wedding Bells" and the third is "Family is Forever" if you do read them, please review!!

oh and he is shirtless several times in that movie!! *Drools* something this sexy had to be straight from heaven. God was a genius in creating a man this sexy!! :D
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

ok...random rant warning.....

i'm getting serious in writting my own Speed story. oh i have a better idea! i'll make it into a manga series!! i'm getting better at drawing mangas. i'm going to make Speed an undercover agent working for the FBI. any suggestions for a title?
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

hmmm how about "The Unexpceted" because no one suspets so far that Speed is alive. plus is adds some mystery and makes people wonder what could be going on.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I have to say, as much as I like Speed's replacement (ahem), I do still miss Speed. There was something about his demeanor that you couldn't help but love.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I know what you mean. I love Ryan and i think he's suxh an awesome character and not to mention sexy, but Speed was a loveable, smart ass, rebellious bad boy who loved to ride his ducati and listen to music while we processed evidence, not to mention he's so freaking sexy! who wouldn't love that?!? Uh...yeah no one!!!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Lucas: Joe, is it O.K. if I leave the couch? 'Cause I'm gonna leave the couch now, okay? My ass is falling asleep, so I gotta go. I'm leaving.

Mine too! :D :lol: Although I think all the lines he has in that move aremy faves... esp. when he tries to freak the guy stealing CD'sout.. just too cute! :d

and Ladies,are we gonna do a poll for new thread names? we're coming oh so close to a new thread and my reign of terror will be over :( :lol:

I think mom is gonna get me one of his movies from Amazon.com...... But shes asking me which one to pick. How the hell am I? :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

thanks for the idea Need4Speed! i'm going to start the storyline during school.

a poll for a new thread name sounds good to me. as for a new Rory movie...which of his movies don't you have?
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

and Ladies,are we gonna do a poll for new thread names?
As far as I can tell, we've only had one suggestion for a name. But if you'd like to make another...
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

how about Speed/Rory#16:Never Gone, Speed/Rory#16:Bringing Sexyback, or Speed/Rory#16:House of Worship

those maybe lame but thats all i could come up with. :D
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

great name chpices everyone but i really like 'Speed/Rory#16: Welcome To The Big Leagues' so to shay for coming up with that one!

and yeah i missed all the convos again but, i think rory could play a gay man very well, if a gay man can play straight so great, ala t.r knight, than we all know that rory could play gay like a bad ass. theres just no possible way for him to be bad at anything he does when it comes to his acting.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

hmm...can't think of anything else. i think i'm going to go with Speed/Rory#16:Welcom to the Big Leagues.

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