Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Darn, I'm going to have to think hard on this; they're all too good. This may take a while.

*puts on thinking cap, retreats to a corner, sits and muses* :rolleyes: Hmmmmm...
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Don't think too hard. We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself ;)
Sorry, couldn't resist.

Yeah, he had some good lines. But a lot of it was in his imecaple delivery, as well.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I agree. I could repeat Speedisms all day long and never EVER do them justice. I just can’t do his level of sarcasm and wit without it sounding corny. Rory was able to pull them off effortlessly; truly a man of immense talent.

… Nope, still haven’t decided yet. *goes back to musing*
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

fiddlesticks, thats going to be a difficult one to choose.
and i have a feeling s2 speedisms are going to be even harder to vote on since he was genius all through out season 2.
Yeah, he had some good lines. But a lot of it was in his imecaple delivery, as well.
that is too true, his whole demeanor when he delivered those lines was amazing i don't think any one but rory could have done better
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

^ Agreed was well. The way he delivers all of his lines are absolutely terrific, but the way he delivers the one-liners and Speedisms always has me in stitches. :D He just has a way about him, that no matter how serious he sounds, it's highly amusing. :) -- Which is what the writers intended, so HA!

I had to go with the two big 'Spring Break' ones hands down. Though I loved the "Busy with the left hand?" Speedism, the 'Spring Break' ones took the cake for me. Not only was it one of the longest lines he's had, but it was the funniest, imo how he told the guy off. :lol:

And agreed with everyone else, I don't think another actor would be able to pull off those lines as flawlessly as Rory.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

It was tough, but I had to go with my two absolute favourites, which isn’t fair because I have many absolute favourites :lol:. They were the ones from “Broken” and “Spring Break”. Isn’t it funny how you just have to say “the one from Spring Break” and everyone knows exactly which quote you’re talking about? I mean, there are more lines in the episode, but that one has become THE quote.

Since I promised to post a picture, but just found out my stupid computer won’t let me take a screenshot, I went hunting for one instead. Enjoy!

In Awe of Speed From MiamiStyle Screencaps.

He kind of looks like he’s daydreaming in that one :rolleyes:.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

i went with the ones from double cap and body count. i can't help it i just love how he delivered those lines and they always make me laugh when i watch the shows again.
great pic bird_of_flame! he does look like hes day dreaming, so pretty when hes just standing there <33
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I too went with Body Count and Double Cap. Those were just priceless. I don't know how he managed to keep a straight face with his lines though; most of the time I was in stitches.

I will say that one of my absolute favorite lines is from Blood Moon. It's the only one I can recite by heart. It's a classic Speedism... I am sure you all know which one I am talking about (*hint: elevator*).

Today A&E aired LS. I watched it again for the millionth time because apparently I like to torture myself. I really miss him and I would love to see him back in an episode, even if it is just a flashback. We really did get gipped in Man Down.

Oh and it's official, the chances of being able to watch a region 2 dvd on a pc/mac are 99.9%. Now...where is my credit card?

Btw, are we ever going to attempt to do the Rory fan project (despite not knowing exactly where to send it to)? Just curious.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Ohh, Rory fan project?!?! I'd love to get in on that :D! But what would we do?
Write him letters?
Send him presents?
Send him proclamations of our undying love for all that is Rory? … on second thought, he might get a little freaked out about that one :lol:.
Bake him cookies? *holds up a plate of fresh cookies* I've just mastered the technique! They're really good! *munches on cookies*
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

sweetness i'm so buying RAYD as soon as i can afford, thanks SincerelyInDenial!

i'm all for a fan project we need to start thinking up some ideas. i'm not that creative so just a bit of a warning i will probably not bring anything cool ideas to teh table ha.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I'm up for everything.
*steals away one of the cookies - mmmhh, they taste great,thanks!*
he has to come back!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Man computer problems suck! But I am back now and I have missed my crazy Rory lovers.

FIrst of all fo_poozle I can not get over your banner. Heck yes srgt. Sexy. Now just get rid of the cancer stick.

And the other day I was flipping threw the channels and I comepletley forgot about Miami being on A&E and I came right in on the part where we saw some tummy action in wannabe *sighs* What a grea scene.

And I am so mad at Walmart they don't have A Scanner Darkly anymore *raises fist*
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Glad to see you back speedmonkey2! We've missed you too.

And isn't Wannabe tummy action the best? Just so dreamy...

Unfortunately A&E decided to air LS last night and I decided to watch it again. It's like a car accident - you don't want to look but you end up looking anyway. And right now, CSI Miami Weekends is on and guess which epi it is. That's right... Lost Son. :(

As for a Rory fan project, it would be nice to make a scrapbook type of thing with letters and pictures, etc. I'm pretty good at scrapbooking too. Perhaps if we sent it to Adam he could pass it along?
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I've only watched Lost Son once, I just can't bring myself to watch it again. They took my Speed away. *sniff*

Why Speed why didn't you use the present H gave you??

*deep breathe* I'm okay.

Does anyone know if Rory has any upcoming projects?
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