Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

The forums were down yesterday....for a second I totally freaked because I thought my school server blocked them :p

whoot! time for a party! On wednesday :p hehe....... We should start stocking up on supplies, shouldn't we? :lol: *runs off and comes back later with lots and lots of skittles and coke* :p
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Indeed, the site was down yesterday, and it was terrible :( But, everything seems to have been resolved :)

And so, here it is folkes. Part one of the season one 'semi-finals' :D Randomly chosen from all our winners:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I voted for:

You know... you're an ass (Golden Parachute)
You spend a lot of time in those canals swimming through radioactive crap. So I wouldn't be worried about a little nose bleed (Dead Woman Walking)
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

aw his borthday is coming up!
he so does not look his age.
i don't know which i'm going to chose yet, those are all ones i voted or in the past ha
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I think he looks his age but 35 isn't old, Emily Procter is pushing 40 isn't she? Next year I think and she doesn't look older than Rory

Time flies doesn't it? To think that Rory was 30 when he started out CSI:Miami and now he's 35 where has 5 years gone? I remember 2002 like it was yesterday
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

hey ladies,
back from a few days trip to london. great city but the weather ....
anyways, i achieved my goal and finally got RAYD on DVD. :D
can't get it here in austria, i could have ordered it on amazon but it was cheaper to buy it there.
what a sad and serious film but AMAZING performance by the two of them. surprising ending (don't want to say too much for those who haven't seen it yet).
though the film is really serious I had to smirk during one scene. when he collects the powder from the floor and bags it ... I was just wandering whether doing that reminded him of his CSI role. :cool:
he is just great in that. and I think there is NOT ONE of us who DOESN'T want to be in that bed. imagine waking up in the morning with coffee the way YOU like it, a freshly picked up rose, his raspy voice in your ear, his scruffy chin on your cheak and his lips ..... *drops to the floor and faints* :rolleyes:
... erm ... sorry for that. :eek: I'm back.
where were we? right, his lips .... *swoon*
no, that's too much ........ *sigh* :)
just wanted to say it's great to be back here. :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

well welcome back! i'm glad you had a good trip. and damn it i wish that movie would just be released in the US already ha. i wan't to see it sooo bad.
and your about 35 not being old, but he just doesn't look 35 to me. emily is way beautiful she looks 30, maybe in my opinion.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Ok, so this is kinda OT but it's Rory related so I'll ask anyway...

Rumor has it that one can watch a Region 2 DVD on a pc... is there any truth to this? If so, I'd like to know ASAP so I can purchase RAYD. I swear by the time the movie is released in the states I'll be old and like, "Rory who?" :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

i never heard that before, but i hopw it is, because if thats the case i'm so buying it too ha.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I'm not part of you little group but I love looking at you posts...the speedleisms are cute. Anyway, I thought I'd let you know, I live in the US and I was able to download RAYD from limewire. And it didn't cost me anything. It takes hours to download but it was a good clean copy. So if you are interested in that, you can get it there.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Hi DarlaF and welcome to the Miami forum and the Speed thread. :) We're glad to know you've enjoyed reading the threads here.

I do need to let you know that we can't allow discussions of illegal downloads here. Please see our Board Rules for more info:

Taken from the Board Rules:
As a fan site for a television show, intellectual property is an important topic for us. We cannot legally or morally condone tape-trading in episodes or downloading episodes online, and do not allow discussions on this matter. Any other copyright violations will also not be allowed.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

do need to let you know that we can't allow discussions of illegal downloads here.

Oh cool this is turning into a Black market site. :lol: I'm kidding kidding. *runs away from the Mods/Feds*

I've heard of limewire, and i don't think that's illegal. Same with Megaupload. We've been talking about downloading in the Episode Review section too.

Rumor has it that one can watch a Region 2 DVD on a pc...

Intresting....i'm intrigued! Wonder if anything will come up if i google it.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Whether or not the programs themselves are legal or not isn't really the issue, that's a whole other debate that we're not getting into here. But, if you're using one of these programs to share/download copyrighted material (CSI episodes, songs, movies, etc.) for free without having to purchase them, then that is illegal.

The only legal places to download CSI episodes (since thr discussion in the other thread was brought up) are iTunes, Google Video, and amazon.com--each place sells individual episodes for $1.99. Any discussions of acquiring the episodes through any other means is against Board Rules.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

welcome to the thread DarlaF i hope you stop by more often!
and thanks for the info no matter how illegal it is ha.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Sorry I didn't mean to start something. I don't monitor your threads enough to do that. I didn't read the rules, so that's my bad and I only registered to pass on the info since it isn't available in the US. You should absolutely buy it if it is offered. I do not know if it is illegal or not but you right it doesn't matter. Rules are rules so good luck with that and take care.
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