Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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i thought i was the only one who wants to bake him things when he looks all pretty like that :lol: i'm more of a snickerdoodles girl myself tho.
and i'm defiitely still up to do that fan project, but like you all said that going to be difficult since we have no idea where to send anything to him.
i love that line too CSIMiamiLover
'i love hotel rooms...body fluids everywhere' that whole banter between him and delko there is just fantastic
fan project sounds like fun-but that discussion was had before I came back, what would a fan project involve??

I agree the banter in the lift with the 2 guys in double cap is priceless :lol:-in the room as well...love it!!!
Great that you guys want to do a Rory/Speed fan project :D I thought about doing this about a month or so ago, but like you all, couldn't find an address where to send stuff to :confused: I have a few ideas for Speed-centric episodes I was going to write had Speed still been alive through the remainder of season 3 :)
Okay, question. For Simple Man Speedisms. Would you rather have Throw another rock or Throw another rock. What does that mean?
hmmm i'd say throw another rock? what does that mean?
even tho i still don't remeber that line exactly.
when does the next poll go up?
Back with a long Speedism from "Spring Break"
And I'm going to arrest your cheap tequila pushing ass and have you spend the night in lockup with the other drunken disorderlys and you can smell the vomit of the fertility boys.
I love the Spring Break Speedism its def one of my favourtires!!!!!

Aww, Whacked from Season 3 was repeated last night on LivingTV, it annoyed me no end - making Speedle out to be an incompetent CSI. I had seen that episode before, but the last time I saw it I hadn't seen Season 1 and 2 and wasn't arsed about Speed lol. But last night I was infuriated watching it, I loved Delko last night, he was really defensive about Speed and give Ryan a hard time.

When it finished I was all depressed and made me miss Speed loads more
Hey guys, just a quick word about the Speedisms. I appreciate that you're all excited about it, but I really need you to just stick to the two episodes at a time. It makes it too hard to pick out the ones for the poll, otherwise, as they all get mixed in together.
Thanks ;)

Now that the previous poll is finished, I'll put up the next one soon. However, I don't have time to do it before I leave for work. I'll try to do it as soon as I get home. Until then, have we got all the ones from Dispo Day? I haven't had a chance to watch it recently.
i hated s 3. well not hated but it peeved me. they always hd to make jabs at speedle and make it look like he was careless with his evidence and analyzing. it was annoying.
i'm pretty sure thats everything from dispo day, but i think there was only a few posted from simple man.
well thats solved my problem about what to watch this evening *runs off to fetch dvd* I'll watch them and let you guys know if I spot any more!!

I know what you mean about season 3...it was quite interesting to see however much they did diss him-the team was quite clearly not the same again!I think H, Calleigh and Eric showed that in the character(whether the writers told them to protray that I don't know)

I can't remember what eppy it is with the axe killing where they talking about Speedle doing the evidence-that reallllllly annoyed me to begin with-but wooo delko, the way he stuck up for him but they really didn't emphasis the point about not having the equipment when speed was there, they brushed over that.

Bless Alexx's reaction though to Ryan first-she obvivlously didn't want to get too attached cause of what happened with Speed...but yeah it seemed that reaction lasted a week and then everyone(except Alexx and Eric moved on)

Maybe that was just me who thought that??what you guys think?

maybe with the fan project we could send it to an agent or something??
i agree with the alexx and delko thing, through out the season you could see it affected them more so. maybe that was because there wasn't such a big reaction for delko in lost son. who knows tho.
thats a good idea about sending it to his agent, but does any one know who his agent is ha
I'm not sure if we've got these from Simple Man spotted a couple more

Can't believe we're letting this jackass walk
I'm guessing thats not a lunch order

will edit if I find more in Dispo Day! :D
Oooooh, Im up for a fan project! And his agent, hmmmm, I have no idea, I think some googling is in order!
*runs off to google*
Ok, found a site, link here but you have to join, think you have to pay to join, and I haven't got any mopney in which to do so :( But thought I'd put it up, if I find anything else, I'll let you know!

Also, with ASD, am I the only one that doesn't get it??? :confused: If so, thats mean! :lol:

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