Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Joining lament on this one! Absolutely go and read it now! :D

So, is anything else happening here? :confused:
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Ok, so, I was thinking about this thread alot today. I do ship my Cath/Sara, but I also like this one alot. Sara and Sofia fit each other well. The way they both look at each other is the third cutest thing. :D
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Aggie: Thanks hun!

forensicsgirl: *drools* That was simply wonderful, you did an amazing job! I just can't believe that was your first slash fic.^^

mne_nuzhna_ona: I'm curious to know what the other two cutest things are. :D
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Thanks guys :) Glad you enjoyed it.

Welcome mne_nuzhna_ona, and I third the request - what are the first two cutest things? You've got me curious :D
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

LOL, well.


First cutest thing in the world= Marg and Jorja tied
Second cutest thing in the world= Sara and Catherine Ship
Third= Sara and Sofia when they look at each other
Fourth= Sara and Sofia Ship
Fifth= This one little baby I saw at the mall awhile ago who was really into looking at me. LOL, adoreable!

There you have it. I even went to the 4th and 5th things!! :D

Well, thanks for the welcomes. I was thinking of those pictures of Sofia/Louise pictures in 4th period today. [sorry, I know her as Sofia!!! It's weird calling her Louise, kinda...] Well, anyway, shes a looker. :D
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Of course she's a looker! So is Jorja! :devil:

Anyway, so that's the list! So first is Marg and Jorja tied?
Yeah, I could live with that... :D

But those cute things got me thinking. What would go on the list for Sara and Sofia? What would be the cutest thing for those two?
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Well, seeing as I'm kinad new to this ship, I don't know yet about your question. BUT, I do know what you said about Jorja is like, the truest thing I've heard all day. :D Maybe a Sara/Cath/Sofia ship thingy is another good idea. OMG, I'm getting a genreal idea of this, and let me tell you, thats my third ship right there. A trio ship you'd call it, I guess...But, it's a good one! :) ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

OMG, I love you!!!! *bows down to you* You're like a slash god or something!!! *tear*

LOL, emo moment.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

*big squee*

My SalSa fic has been accepted onto the Passion and Perfection site and is now up, under their CSI section

*is excited*

Interesting thing - over there, they call Sara/Sofia "Sassy", which I think is extremely cute and fitting for this pair. What do you think - shall we have two ship names? :)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

So I'm guessing Passion and Perfection is a fanfiction archive of sorts? Care to toss the link? :D

Well I'm all for having too ship names.^^
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Passion & Perfection is a fan fiction archive that specializes in femme/slash stories. I can't link you directly to my story, because it's NC-17, but I'll give you the link to the main page of the archive ;)

Passion & Pefection
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Thanks, that's just as good. ^_~

I also noticed that there is a Sofia/Sara LJ community, I so didn't know that existed. :D
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Woot woot for fogi for getting her story to Passion and Perfection! :D
By the way, some new fics have arrived, so Must.Find.Time.To.Read.Them.ASAP.

Selah, you should definitely submit yours there too!

And the name, I know! I really like SalSa, but I think Sassy fits them brilliantly too! There's nothing against them having two names, is there?