Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

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Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Hey everybody. Missing this thread. Thought I'd bump it up.
Wrote a little fic. in case aynone's interested...
So, what's with the Sassy-lovin' or Salsa as some prefer? Anyone here?

Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Well, I'm more of a CS, but this pairing is always intruiging to me... They look like they'd either be super intense, or really sweet. ^_^
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Yay! How Happy am I that this thread has been bumped up. I had been the last to post for ages, and I couldn't double post to get it moving again, so i had to sit and wait, curled in cyberspace, waiting for the SalSa love to re-emerge.

This is such an interesting pairing - there's so much tension between the two characters, IMO there just has to be something bubbling under the surface. They have the makings of an extremely angsty and passionate couple. And it doesn't hurt that the ladies are gorgeous. *drools*

MiaCharlize, props to you for that fic - so gorgeous and fluffy :) And I love the avatars :D

I wrote another SalSa (or SaSsy, if you prefer) fic a while ago. Its up at, if anyone's interested. Beware - its angsty - Intensity

So, lets talk femslash. If Sara and Sofia were to get together, how can you imagine it happening? Who would make the first move? And would it be smooth sailing, or can you imagine problems along the way? I'm interested in hearing everyone's take on the relationship.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

I think these two have a lot of potential, with all that tension and teasing. In my opinion there are dozens of possibilities as to how it could happen and who takes the first step.
Sofia comes across as a very forward person so I think it would be more likely for her to approach Sara, but then again I love to see that bold side of Sara that shines through every now and then, in those moments I can really see her ask Sofia out or throw some comments at her, making her all flustered...
As for the how, lets see. Most likely over a case they work, either in an attempt to comfort/calm each other, or during an argument.
I could also picture them going out for a beer after a rough case, with both of them not really fancying going home alone. And who knows what confessions spill when a bit of alcohol is involved...

And problems? You seriously ask about problems? There's so much drama you could come up with for these two.
- Working together
- That Grissom-thing
- Sara's "me-issues"
And then you could make some up, like Sofia's mom's reaction for example... I don't know, but I see a lot of potential in that.

And your fic, intense indeed. Read it before but still like it.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

I think Sofia would make the first move, she seems to be much more confident than Sara. But I think once they were together, Sara would be incredibly protective of the detective... Almost to the point of possesive. after that, who knows. Two fiery women, one relationship... Who knows what either would do. ^_^
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

I think they'd both be very protective of each other. Maybe even to the point where they seriously annoy the other. Neither is really the type who wants to be protected...
I think they both have this soft-butch feeling about them, I know that sounds cliché but they do to me. So I can totally see each of them trying to be the stronger, tougher part of the relationship.
Another question that arose while I was thinking about this: Do you think their relationship would be romantic? I mean can you picture them doing silly stuff like leaving each other lovenotes, flowers and such?
They don't really seem the type for that yet I can somehow picture them do that...
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Why is it so quiet in here??

I just saw these caps ( and I almost fainted.

These two need to get arrested for hotness, they're a danger to innocent passers-by!
(And by arrested I mean put into handcuffs and locked in a soundproof cell together :devil: )
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

hi guys, i'm sortof new here...well, in this thread anyway. real glad that MiaCharlize mentioned that we also have SalSa/SaSsy lovin' here :D

i simply love, adore, worship this pairing...ever since i watched Aggie's fan video and read their fics over the lj community...i was sold! since then can't really see Sofia being paired to anyone else but Sara hehe :cool:

i do hope they'll get more screentime together in Season 7, c'mon TPTB, you know they look good together ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

c'mon TPTB, you know they look good together
Oh yes. They do. And just look at the longing in Sara's eyes, she's totally entranced by Sofia. ;)

Glad you found your way here, thought the thread was dying down again...And that would be a pity.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.


Anyway,I think the relationship would TOTALLY be romantic... I can see Sofia getting sent flowers at the precinct by the mysterious 'S'. and I could also see wine by the fire, a dog nestled around their feet as they ponder things together...
Then again I'm a total sap, so meh.
I think both would probably get very worried about eachother, once again kicking into 'Super S Protective mode' but other than that they'd be very touchy-feely. Normally they don't touch too much at work, but at home... ^_^
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

See where you're going, at home they'd definitely be very touchy-feely.
But actually, I think it would rather be Sofia sending the flowers. She seems more the type to me. Sara's often a little helpless with stuff like that. I think she'd rather try to do some low-profile romance at home. She wouldn't send flowers to Sofia in public. But that's just my 2 cents.
As for wine by the fire...I can totally imagine that ;) That's not too sappy. It's a wonderful way to open up to each other, they'd pobably do a lot of talking over wine. Or maybe not that much :devil:
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

MiaCharlize said:
Oh yes. They do. And just look at the longing in Sara's eyes, she's totally entranced by Sofia. ;)

i love that screencap!! :D also some screencaps from the interrogation room, there were a lot of stolen glances there don't ya think? ;) used a clip of it for a fanvid i made months ago :)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

If they were to go on a vacation, where do you think they'd go, based on their personalities? Somewhere hot and spicy, or somewhere icy and beautiful?
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

They'd go somewhere quiet. Maybe hiking in the hills, a nice far-off cabin. Just them. They wouldn't bother to take many clothes with them...*snaps from daydream*
Ahm, yeah, cabin I'd say.
Or maybe they'd go to the beach (I'm only saying this because I want to see them in their bikinis ;))
No seriously. I think it's either Sofia taking Sara home, visiting her mom and showing her around ("this is where I went to school" "that's where I got my first kiss") and stuff like that. Or maybe they'd take a trip back to Sara's hometown, so she can finally get over her past with a little help from Sofia. much fic potential, so little time...