Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

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Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #10 Winners Now Up!

Aw, I'm sad to see you go, Laura. I hope you enjoy your retirement! :lol: Thanks for doing such a great job running these challenges!
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #10 Winners Now Up!

Thanks so much Laura for running these challenges, I had so much fun in my last one. We'll miss you!
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #10 Winners Now Up!

thank for running these challenges they've been a blast!
hope to see you still come and join in the fun!
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #10 Winners Now Up!


There it is: the sad moment :(

It has always been huge fun when you set up the challenges, and it was a pleasure running them with you from time to time, and I'll miss that, believe me... *huggles*

I hope you'll find the time to enter very often, I'm looking forward to this! :)

Thank you very much for all the work you invested, Laura! :)
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #10 Winners Now Up!

*Hugs you all*

Thanks everyone, it's been great running them and you have all been such fabulous participants. Thank you for making the challenges such a success. :D

I'll definately be entering as many challenges as possible, I'll still be around it was just only ever really my intention to run 10 of them myself. I'd still love to come back in the future and run another one (maybe #20, I really hope it will still be running then). :lol:
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #10 Winners Now Up!

So, it would appear that I'll be the one running the next challenge, in light of Elsie's "retirement". (I use the word lightly because we all know she'll be coming back to run a challenge or two. ;))

Anyway...the theme for this challenge is...CSIs With "WTF?" Expressions. The hunt for the pictures is all up to you - I will not be providing them, but believe me, they're easy to find. ;)

Please note that just because the title of the challenge has "WTF?" in it does not mean that vulgar language is allowed for this round. Text such as "WTF?" is okay, but not if you spell it out. Savvy?

Okay, friendly rules:

1. You may enter up to 3 banners.
2. There are two categories to this challenge - Beginner and Advanced. Please refer to these helpful guidelines if you need help determining what category to enter.
3. All banners must be 220x75 pixels. If they are not that size, I will resize them, and I don't like resizing them.
4. Please PM your entry to me, 4ENSIX by Thursday, April 19th before 10 p.m. GMT - note that this does NOT mean at 10 p.m. GMT.
5. No vulgar words or phrases allowed, despite this being a "WTF?" challenge.
6. Do not run around all willy-nilly posting your banners telling people which is yours and that they should vote for you. This is an anonymous challenge and we prefer to keep it that way.
7. No animations allowed

Okay, this is very important: PAY ATTENTION. I am posting what a good PM is versus a bad PM. This has been quite a problem in the Icon Challenge so I'm taking preemptive measures to avoid it as much as possible, as it is very annoying and difficult for me to keep track of who's missing what.

Good PM:

SUBJECT: SBC 11 - Beginner
Hi! Here are my icons for the challenge.
(image here) (URL here)

(There is a URL, a category, and an image)

Bad PM:

Hi! Here are my icons for the challenge. Beginners level please.
(image here)

(There is no URL, and the category is not in the subject line)

Horrible PM:

Hi! Here are my icons for the challenge.
(image here)

(There is no URL and no category)

Okay. I think that's it. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me and I'd be glad to help you out. Or, you can post the question here if it's general so that everyone can benefit. ;)

Happy banner-making! :D
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #10 Winners Now Up!

Awesome choice.. I will try to do a good PM this time :lol:
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #10 Winners Now Up!

Great challenge Chloe! Sending mine now, I got started quick. :lol:
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #10 Winners Now Up!

oh my lord... :devil: I have a bunch of these pics!....on my other computer. :lol: :( I'll see what I can whip up, if in time that is :p
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #11 Now Up!

:lol: Love the new challenge, and 4ENSIX's excellent instructions. :)

I will try my best to make a banner or two for the challenge, I have a great screencap in mind actually...
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