Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

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Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Voting Up!

^ I normally see how the voting is going. It will probably be Thursday late evening, as this is when I will have the chance to add up the votes and post the winners. :)

Keep voting please... :D
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Voting Up!

Hy :D oh what you´re all nice banners making. Hope it´s ok when i also give vote, there are so nice banners


Elsie i have an ask, is it easier to make banners as making icons? :D and which program to working is the best?
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Voting Up!

Hey i would love to vote for 3 banners but i went to page 8 and went to Elsie's post and saw only numbers! Like this:

01. 02. 03.
04. 05. 06....ETC

No banners. :(
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Voting Up!

Hunter said:
Hey i would love to vote for 3 banners but i went to page 8 and went to Elsie's post and saw only numbers! Like this:

01. 02. 03.
04. 05. 06....ETC

No banners. :(

Oh, it's happening again! We don't know why it happens, perhaps it's the browser, but hopefully you can see the screenshot I made - just klick on the thumbnail, it's only a bit smaller than the original size...

Can you see it now? :confused:
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Voting Up!

Hey thanks cinegirl! The screenshot's fine! (You take a screen shot of all the entries? :lol: Just joking. :p ) But thanks cinegirl, your so nice and handy. My avater, one of my sigs, and now this!

I'll vote for


Don't you think it's weird how all of my choices are based on eating? :lol:

I remember #6 from the first season! XD
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Voting Up!

cinegirl said:
Oh, it's happening again! We don't know why it happens, perhaps it's the browser

Thanks for doing the screenshot. I'm glad you can finally see them Hunter, previously it has been suggested to switch off norton antivirus as that blocks the images. From my side though, I actually used firefox and not IE7 this time so I don't think there is anything I can do to stop this problem... :confused:

Stoky, banners are fun to make, people use different programmes to do it (I have psp11), cinegirl has made a banner tutorial if you want to see how to make them click here. ;)

Please keep voting, I will close the voting later tonight if a couple more people have voted by then. :)
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Voting Up!

Elsie yeah thanks for the link looks easy and i can trial to make banners. :)
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Winners Up!

OK, I have counted the votes. Here are the winners:

1st Place - cinegirl

2nd Place - fo_poozle

3rd Place - cinegirl

Congratulations to you both, pm me if you want a winners banner.

The next round will be run by cinegirl, she'll be posting a new theme sometime over the weekend.

Also, I am thinking of changing the format for the challenges and possibly (as with the Misc. icon challenge and the wallpaper challenge) having two categories, beginners and advanced. I might trial this idea in the future, how does everyone feel about it? I think we have some great new banner makers who want to join in and it would be a great way for people to learn more and not be too intimidated. :)
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Winners Up!

Congratulations to cinegirl ,fo_poozle and everyone who participated!..You did a great job! ;) :D
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Winners Up!

Congrats to Vera & fo_poozle! You two did a great job. :D And to the other participants, you all did a great job too!

about the categories: I'm bad at making banners so I never participate, but it does sound good. I think people have a more fair chance if there's 2 categories.
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Winners Up!

^ I agree with Roos. Banners are more tricky, and I think it would encourage more people to enter if there were 2 categories :)

Congrats to cinegirl and fo_poozle :D
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