Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

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Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

I have a question now :) I made my first signature banner yesterday and tried another, but somehow I don't know how to start. I'm used to make 100x100 icons, and the size of the banner 220x75 just kills me ;) I worked on the original picture and cropped it, but the result didn't quite satisfy me.
So I hope you have some good advice - how to pick the perfect pic, how to crop and/or resize it? How do you start with yours?
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

Thanks! Elsie I think I've something on mind..:)
Well softcake I suggest you that you should resize it..but to don't get such a crapy image after resize it you have to pick a good size of imagenes..I recommend you the screencaps of Beyond you resize it in 200 and then just copy a paste it in a new image of 220x75 and play with it in the way you want.. that just the way I do..
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

I'm sure everyone will have some good advice for you. It's not dissimilar to making icons though. ;)

I'll pm you in a minute and let you know how I do it (and I'll even put in some images to show you some of my awful banner efforts!) :lol:
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

First: YAY! for you participating!! :)
Now my way to make banners: I choose a normal picture I like, then I make a selection of the sector I want to use, e.g. you have a picture from Nicky ( :p ) which shows him from the head to the feeds, but you select just his head and perhaps a bit from his shoulders, and try to fit the size of your selection to the final banner size, so the selection has to be broader than it is tall (in German: also mehr Breit als Hoch, noch nicht die genaue Größe, nur die Verteilung ;) )
Once I have the sample I resize it to 220 width (which doesn't mean that it's already 75 height!), then I open a new layer (in the banner size 220x75) and try to fit my sample in it.
Boah, this sounds extremely confusing, if you need more help, pm me and I'll tell you in German :lol:
Sorry guys! :p
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

Thanks for explaining, guys! :)
I think I need to hunt for pics. Most of my screencaps are Nick close ups :lol: Maybe I should try to make a banner of his eyebrows, I have plenty of ideas and pics for that

elsie new idea for a challenge *giggles*: CSI's eyebrows :D
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

Oh that's a good one! I saw someone with a Horatio banner of his eyes, shades, and the letters XOXO. Horatio's eyes in the banner are giving off the 'eye sex' look, AGAIN. I wonder which screencap that is...
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

^ If y'all want weird challenges then that is what you shall have! Seriously though, I am getting to the point of having things like 'CSI's wearing hats' so any suggestions are good... :lol: Some banner makers have asked for a 'shipper' challenge, what do people think about that?

Back to the current challenge, CSI's at leisure. Thanks for the entries so far, but I still need more please. Therefore I am going to extend the deadline until 6pm GMT Saturday 3rd February.

You now have an extra 24 hours to submit your banners, so if you are planning to submit then there is no rush, and if you weren't planning to, maybe you now can. :D
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

^ Hmm, I'm free tomorrow afternoon, so might try and make something to help you out Elsie ;) Nice theme btw :)
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

I made one, but it's awful. I don't really want to enter it. I don't know if I'll have time to try another one.
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

The shipper one would be wonderful, especially because I noticed how ppl try harder when they have to do something about their fav couple ;)
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

I already sent my entries! :)
oh and about a shipper banner challenge would be awesome..people love make banners about it's favorite couple and I think in my own opinion it gives more Dardeile said you give it more.
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

DragonflyDreamer said:
I made one, but it's awful. I don't really want to enter it. I don't know if I'll have time to try another one.

Aww, I won't make you enter it if you don't want to...I'm the same when I make things that I don't like. Thanks for trying though! ;)

It would be nice to see you in the challenge wibble, thanks.

A shipper challenge seems to be going down well, so look out for that one in the future....And thanks for the entries so far for this challenge, keep 'em coming! :D
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

Whoo! Can't wait to see all the work everybody's done. Good luck, all!
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

Me too! I have a couple good ones up my sleeve... :devil:
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