I wish i could say i'm in but i can't. I don't have a proper program to create these fantastic peices. What do all of you use? Photoshop? Microsoft PhotoDraw? What?
i use photoshop and psp but you could probably do soemthing similar is a paint program if you really wanted to try.
and side note. i love your banner :lol:
4ENSIX, you can't send an image in your pm until you have 100 posts (same for posting an image on the boards), it's OK for you to just send the link.
I'm glad you are all planning to join, I'll look forward to your entries!
eta: cinegirl, I can't change the thread title, cofi changes it when I ask her via pm. I did change the subject title in my post though, which anyone can do when they are posting. I change it when I post the banners and put up voting etc. so everyone can see what is going on. I think that is what you are referring to? And I'd love for you to run the next challenge if you have the time, thanks.
I know the deadline isn't until Friday but I still need more banners, so if you are lurking in here and want to join in please do! It's fun to do....
Also, I am still interested in receiving ideas for banner challenge themes, so if you have any theme ideas please let me know and we should be able to incorporate them in the future.
Yes, the theme is CSI's at leisure so if you think it would fit that criteria then it is OK. I was just giving ideas when I said at home, in the break room etc. It doesn't have to be one of those, pm me with your idea if you still aren't sure and I'll let you know. Good luck.