Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

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Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Winners Up!


Great job everyone. :D
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Winners Up!

Alright,no more votes, please!
I'll bring up the winners in a short moment! :)


Here we go! (I counted several times, so I hope I made it right :D )

1st place - fo_poozle

2nd place - fo_poozle :lol:

3rd place - Lauw

Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone who participated - these were awesome banners! :)

P.S.: fo and Lauw, if you want a winner banner, please tell me! :)

The next round will be run by Elsie again - exams! - so beware of the new theme! ;)
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Winners Up!

Congratulation to the two for having won :)
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Winners Up!

cinegirl said:
The next round will be run by Elsie again - exams! - so beware of the new theme! ;)

You make it sound sinister. :lol: I promise it won't be that bad....

Congratulations to Lauw and fo_poozle, they are very lovely banners. :)

I still have some ideas for new themes, but if anyone has a theme idea that they would really like to see, please pm me and I'll add it to my list. Thanks. :)
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Winners Up!

Äh, hihi, sorry, it wasn't meant that way, I know you'll find a good one! :D (I told this more than once: English language, difficult language :lol: )
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Winners Up!

Conrats winners!
People actually voted for me! That doesn't usually happen :lol:
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Winners Up!

^ Don't worry cinegirl, it was a joke. Your command of the English language is fantastic. :D As is everyone's on the board. I have a dry English sense of humour which can easily be misinterpreted... :p

Now you go and get some studying done. ;)
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Winners Up!

wow, thanks for voting for me everyone! and congrats Lauw
! your icon was fantastic!
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

OK, #6 is here! Thanks to cinegirl for running the last challenge, it was great by the way. :)

This theme will be CSI's at leisure.

So basically, whenever they are not working, they could be at home, on a break, eating, dancing, kissing (?)....I'm not sure how this theme will go down, but I know there are many great caps that could be used, so have fun!

Friendly and updated rules, as always - please read:(to the end!)

1. 220x75 size please, I check the size of each entry and will resize them if they are not (which is annoying)
2. You can submit 1-3 banners
3. Any CSI show and CSI Characters in it is OK by me!
4. Non animated banners only
5. Don't post them here, pm me Elsie with both the image and the link if possible
6. Please title your pm as SBC #6 or similar
7. Please submit by 6pm GMT on Friday 2nd February
8. And although you all know this, no vulgar language allowed!

Any problems or questions, please let me know... ;)
Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Now Up!

Oh, that sounds like an interesting one! And guess what? My (1st) test will be on Thursday, so I can join!! *freu* :D
Elsie, thanks for running this challenge again, I know how you'd love to join, too, so I'll run the challenge after this one, alright? :)

(and why can you change the thread title and I can't? cofi, are you ignoring me?? *teases Cris a bit* :p ;) )
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