Signature Banners # 5 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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MsCatherineBrown said:
Not really requesting a banner, but I was admiring everyones super cool avaters. I was wondering if i could bother someone onto making me a Warrick/Cath or a Nick/Greg one. thanks so much guys and keep up the great work. :D

I sent you a pm but I also going to post it at the CSI LV icon request thread.


ok speed here is another.....I could not resist!
cinegirl said:
@MsCatherineBrown: for this time it's OK with your request, but next time please refer to the provided Icon-Request-Threads, so we can keep the chaos out of this forum :D

For CSI:LV you can find the Icon Thread here

Thank you! :)

Thanks so much. I should have relized there was a thread for it.
well tonight was a test to see what the special effects on the right hand side of my photoshop were all about and I thought this was this rate it will take me 10 years to learn all that photoshop has..... :lol:

:lol: Hip_hugga_lovah, those are awesome!

Esp. the 'Run, Ryan, Run' and 'Uh Oh' - poor Natalia :p

And it's so funny to see how many people responded on the Hardy Boys Request :D
Great work everybody!

I had to distract myself from learning yesterday, so like katbug I also fiddled around a bit and...voilà - comic-and-I-don't-know what-other-style-csi-banner :p

Great banners. Katbug you're not by yourself on PS dear. I'm still learning. LOL Another attempt at an animated banner


Two plain banners


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