Luna: *hugs to ground* you're too kind, thanks hon, and a Merry Christmas to you, too!
(and of course to everybody around here!)
And of course I will make you one, especially because it's CaRWash!
Will make it asap, ya know, family christmas overload etc. but at night this will be my distraction
Hormiga you did great! I love your style, and your Mac one looks so fancy seventies, wonderful!
Kit4na, after that cool banner I do expect more from you, so feel chased!
Saya, do I really need to tell you more? *sighs* It's Ryan and Calleigh *sighs* wonderful *sighs* please keep your promise - oh, and of course feel chased, too! :devil:
ChristineCaine did you already get an answer? I don't have your program, but a few steps I can tell you...