Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

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Nice banners Cindy :D

I have a couple of D/L banners
More here...
Ah, Lizzy! I heart my banner!

I hadn't been on~line for a while after my request, so I haven't seen it til now, but I love it!

Thank you so much!
Hy guys i'm new here. My favourite character is Sara and i'm GSR shipper.
Can someone make me an avatar and a banner with Sara and an avatar and a banner with Grissom/Sara? Many thanks :D
Sorry i'm totally computer illterate. What do i do for post my banner? I was able with my avatar but not with my banner. Thanks
Just go to the page you paste your avatar's url. You'll see Signature box just type

That's it -- click preview to see is it work or not :D Hope it's help.

Oh, you should not double post otherwise the mods will come after you :D Just click edit ;)
Could sum1 make me a Grillows a banner? I'd really appreciate that! Thx in advanced! The 1 i hv (made by me!) i think juss stinks! :lol:
That's ok jofod, you're newbie, you would know the rules ;) I did that when I was new here too :lol:

I don't have any of Grillows pics, so I just post the ones that I already made. If you them feel free to snagged :D
a couple more here
oooh! i love the grissom and cath banners i took a few :D
i'm new at all of this stuff so do you want me to credit? lol
Hey guys, I was hoping someone could make me a banner. I have some banners that I love a lot, so if you decide not to make one I will understand, I want one like this if someone decides to take it upon themselves to make it, I want these pics:

Alright there, lol that took a while, lol. Alright guys you dont have to use them all i do want at least 3 though i want it to say "Aww...the looks" And thank you in advance if you want to do it, I will credit I always do, and those who have made me banners before thank you and I will use them again, i just want one like this cause i thought it would be excellent. THANK YOU :p
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