Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

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I made you 2 banners, CSIWATCHER. Hope you like them

kelc_41 you can credit the person who made you a banner in your bio that's in the personal information section :)
man is anyone else having probs with changing their banners, i know how it just keep saying not in right form its pissing me off!I really wanna use the ones lizzy sander did! GOSH!
what do you mean? You can't change your banner in your Personal infomation? Are you sure that you type in this form

Still have problem, you can PM me, maybe I can help
Could somebody please make me a Danny/Aiden banner with the phrase "Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend" written on it. I don't have any pics so anything you have that's kinda sad and heartbreaking will do. Thanks ever so.
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