Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

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Dana and CSI_mania, WOW! Very awesome job!! I'm not sure which one to snag (Since they are all so amazing) but when I make my decision and use it I will credit the maker! Thanks so much! *Is happy*
piepretzelsngreg said:
SinCityx i made you a banner. what do you think?


Did TalkCSI die? Anywayyyy.

Wow I like that one too, I had to try something of my own too since I couldnt get on the message boards for like 3 hours.

I dunno which one I want to use o_O;;

I made this too but it didn't turn out good.
I made this Marg Helgenberger one which I am currently using:


If anyone is wondering how I got it rusty colored, it's a dark blue layer set to Exclusion. :D
1CSIMfan OMG I love it! :D Thank you so much. I'm so happy w/ it. :D

Dingbat, yes I'm a hugh Riker;/Troi fan! Imzadi is one of my fave novel ever. CSI_mania made the Aiden banner I was using. Yeah, I love it but I'm in a DnA shipper mood right now.
can someone make me a moving banner with lady heather whipping that one dude at the end of pirates of the 3rd reich??? sadly i dont know how to make them.
speedmonkey2 said:
Oh my god 1CSIMfan your speed banner...and i'm gonna keep on lovin you. Soooo cute!

I have a request. Can someone put these 4 pics next to eachother. Non animation and have it say at the bottom 'Love Lost'. Thanks in advance.

Here ya go. Hope this is what you were wanting. :)

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