Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

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good job, Macayla!

done these on request and thought I'd share them here, too :)



Hawkes #3
Hawkes #4
Hawkes #5

jorja_fan86 yours are next. got my full attention on them now :)
They are wonderful! I can't thank you enough.

My favorite is no.4 because I love the scene with the teddy bear.

by the way: does the symbol on it mean something?
tianshi Those are really good Banners could I put in a request for a Mac banner from Grand Murder at Central Station, where he's been really fearce telling the officers to get the people back from the line? Its in the first five minuets I think!

I made that because my moms boyfriend broke up with her because shes friends with a lesbian. How... evil I feel like shooting him. ^_^ I enjoyed making it.

Oh and do you think someone could try to make a banner with sara in the middle then Greg, Nick, and Grissom and have it say "Sara gets the guys" :rolleyes:
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