Sid Hammerback - The coroner with the coolest glasses.

Re: Sid Hammerback.

We found out about another Sid's family member, uncle Andy, whose stories would never end... :lol:

I would love to see one of Sid's daughters on an episode or his wife.
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Hey, Lorelai, seems you have been bussy, huh? It's the third thread I enter and the last post is yours with your wonderful screencaps, good job!

Sid had some great moments during "One wedding and a funeral", which means we all could enjoy Robert Joy's perfomance. And yes, his gross face is priceless. I really loved the line "It was my first death call" (or something like that, sorry I can't play the episode right now to check it out but my sister is sleeping and I don't want to wake her).



"I'm glad you stayed"
Re: Sid Hammerback.

So this week episode wasn't a good one for Syd, we could just seen him on a fast morgue scene. Well, we'll have to wait for "Child's play".



"I'm glad you stayed"
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Sid after the itch powder. :lol:

Re: Sid Hammerback.

Hormiga said:
Sid after the itch powder. :lol:


I loved Sid with the itch powder! Rewatching the episode, however, I noticed that he started scratching during the autopsy. That would be a big no no. His sterilized gloves were touching his non-sterile body while working on the vic. He could've easily contaminated any evidence. Oops!
Re: Sid Hammerback.

His itching cracked me up! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Ah Sid is awesome. :) He was funny in that scene. I also really liked it when Adam came to see him to discuss his theory. Sid is always fantastic, he really adds a little something to every episode.
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Dudes, I want to be here. Sid is one of my all-time favs of all the CSI:shows, and probably my number one fav in NY. He is too awesome for words. D: I love the guy. He needs more love.
Re: Sid Hammerback.

I love Sid too! Always look forward to the autopsy scenes because of him. He's always so willin to share his anecdotes, and no one ever has time to listen to them :lol:...poor guy! I'll listen! :D
Re: Sid Hammerback.

yeah you can.
If you go here I think they sell them.

And if you go there and scroll down to almost the bottom of the page theres a pic of sid and a caption that says: "As seen on CSI: NY".
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Dude! I was watching TV yesterday and a commercial for came on and I was like 'OMG IT'S BOB!' :lol: These two guys were carrying him down the hall at the hotel and at one point he asks if they're carrying him because they know he made his reservations with and would be leaving a review and the guys were like "yes" and then kept carrying him down the hall. It was pretty funny. :p

But mostly it was just awesome because it was Bob. :lol: (Yes, I'm going to call him Bob--who's gonna stop me? :p)