Sid Hammerback - The coroner with the coolest glasses.

Re: Sid Hammerback.

:lol: I just love what he says about neckin' to Stella!

what a top guy!

okay, i'm officially in love with Sid, not in a sex/love way though :lol:
Re: Sid Hammerback.

YAY for the Sid thread! :D Another one of my fave Sid moments is in Dancing with Fishes when Danny says there is some kind of a fishy smell about the guy who was killed and Sid goes off about a fish recipe or something :lol: I love the man he is a complete whack job I think the thing I like most about him is that he is so unexpected I mean just looking at him without him opening his mouth would you expect him to say half the things that he does.
I live for his tales when he goes off on a creepy little tangent horrifying the poor csi's :lol: When I see him in a scene I brighten immediately I think I move even closer to the TV screen and turn up the volume, heaven forbid I miss a Sid moment! And I am always bitterly dissapointed when he is dare I say NORMAL?! I hope he stays in for a long time.
Re: Sid Hammerback.

I live for his tales when he goes off on a creepy little tangent horrifying the poor csi's
:lol: Me too! I remember when he was talking about threesomes, and Hawkes could not get out of there fast enough. And another time he says to Sid, "you're going to that creepy place again." *guffaws*

It's my first time in this thread, BTW. :)

I like how some of the little things he does in autopsy is a little chef-like. For example, when he's scooping stomach contents or w/e out of the victim's gut, he scoops it up and pours into a bowl using the ladle...that's totally like what a chef would do, lol. And him talking about carving the turkey using a scalpel? I just hope he cleaned it before he used it on the turkey... Hehehe.
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Am i alone on this but is it only Sid who has made a comment about D/L link?
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Yeah. I don't know the direct quote but it was something along the lines of. To Linds: "Danny only calls you montana because he likes you" I think that it was something like that. I can't remember though :/
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Lessien_Tinuviel said:
Me too! I remember when he was talking about threesomes, and Hawkes could not get out of there fast enough. And another time he says to Sid, "you're going to that creepy place again."
Heh, I love Hammerback and Hawkes in the same scenes--not only when Sid goes to his 'creepy place', but also when he drags Hawkes right along with him--being jealous of sawing into a lung or being excited about cutting a brain in half? :lol: Coroners, sheesh. :p
Re: Sid Hammerback.

Coroners make for interesting watching :lol: i can't remember which episode its from but Stella asks Sid about the personal effects of a deceased and Sid basically says he stole the watch and when she gives me a WTF kinda look he says "What? It was a nice watch!" Ah Sid is just the best :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Sid Hammerback.

I don't remember that one althea, but it sounds funny. :lol:

I think we are meant to believe (and it's probably somewhat true) that people in jobs like Sid's, spending all day with the dead, do tend to use macabre humour and are generally a bit weird and creepy. Sid does in in such a lovable and awesome way you can't help but think he must be a really great guy. He has interesting hobbies (like latin dancing) and some great (if inappropriate) stories to tell, he'd be my ideal dinner party guest. :p

One of my favourite Hammerback scenes is from Snow Day. Just him stood outside calmly in his hat. He can steal a scene without even doing anything! And as the show obviously needs to show the blood and gore of an autopsy, it's nice to know that you will get some Hammerback actions or words to take the edge off. :lol:
Re: Sid Hammerback.

i love sid!

The actor who plays him is Canadian :D And what makes him extra creepy, he played a mutant/zombie in 'The Hills Have Eyes", where he was involed with a mutant rap scene...very distrubing.
Re: Sid Hammerback.


Sid from Snow Day
Re: Sid Hammerback.

xfcanadian said:
The actor who plays him is Canadian :D And what makes him extra creepy, he played a mutant/zombie in 'The Hills Have Eyes", where he was involed with a mutant rap scene...very distrubing.

I think his character's name was Lizard? I watched the movie only because I'm a big fan of Aaron Stanford, who played the lead character Doug. But then I noticed Robert was in the movie and was like, "Hey, it's Sid!" He was very, very, very creepy...

And he simply would not die (even after getting shot) until the mutant girl flung herself at him and they fell off the cliff together.
Re: Sid Hammerback.

You have just got Sid's image that I love the most!!So, thanks althea!

[picture me sending you a virtual big hug]



"I'm glad you stayed"