Sid Hammerback - The coroner with the coolest glasses.

It'll be...really sad if Sid gets shafted for more soap-opera-ish storylines :( Suddenly I'm hit with a wish to see Sid in a romantic storyline :guffaw: Or even just having them show him with his wife, so we get a sense of how they interact (lol, she must put up with so much from him). Maybe if his wife or one of his daughters get tangled up in one of the team's cases, they'll finally show them? I would pay to see that episode :lol:
Very sorry for the double-post! But *groansd* can't believe it fell that far back :(

Wanted to mention here that I love that S6 has a Sid-featurette in one of its DVD extras! :lol::thumbsup:Just found that out from the sidebar. (Damn them, though, because I wasn't planning on getting S6 DVD :shifty:, and now I kind of want to)...I wonder if it's for "Flag on the Play", and if so, whether Robert Joy reveals a little more info on what that experience was like for Sid. It'd be so cool to get his input on that episode, because FotP kind of disappointed since aside from his sweetness and empathy with the mother (endearing, but also has to be said could've happened with several of the other characters in Sid's place), it didn't feel like there was much in it that was typically Sid.
Hi everybody! Sid's the main reason I started to watch CSI NY. While I find the male portion of the cast to be totally hot, Sid is the one that gets my fire going!
Sid and Doc Robbins... two of the coolest guys in CSI land. I love Sid... can't wait to see that featurette on Sid gonna be awhile for I can afford to get it though.
Hi everybody! Sid's the main reason I started to watch CSI NY. While I find the male portion of the cast to be totally hot, Sid is the one that gets my fire going!

Welcome Jennseiller.

Syd is very funny. I love he.

Nice motivation for see csi ny