Sid Hammerback - The coroner with the coolest glasses.

I love the last episode. I really loved how he asked Danny if he could stay in the lab and help him. And Danny replied: "Sid, this is your candy store". (It was something similar anyway). :guffaw:

By the way, nice pictures. I really like the last one. Awww, sweet memories ;)
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^ ^ Yeah, it was such a special occassion seeing Sid actually working in the lab. This is something that would be very nice too see more often.:)

Andie: Yeah, it's always amusing when these two clowns are together. TPTB should write more scenes between these two!

Nice screencaps, everyone!:D
It's nuts how much I love Sid's hat in that second picture :lol: It just seems so perfect for him, and that subway-concert scene was one of my favourites in the entire series.

I'm another one demanding more Sid/Danny scenes :D Last week's was perfect.
I am happy as long as Sid get more screentime. I would be more than happy if we get more Sid/Danny scenes, but I just want to see Sid in action doing what he loves :lol:
I love those pics you posted Debbie, they're just made of awesome, the first one is great, he looks so stern, and ready for action... :lol: I haven't watched much of this season, I'm waiting 'til it airs here in the UK next month, I'm looking forward to seeing some more of Sid this season, I know there wasn't much of him in the earlier eps, but did that get better as the season went on?
Adorable_Crazy! Steph! I'm always glad to come across you on the forum :D

Last week's episode was mainly with Sid and Stella. I, personally, think the crime story was weak and some emotional scenes where not in the right order :confused: (or at least an awkward order) but in all Robert did an amazing job with the first episode ever where Sid is not in the basement. Not telling you more than that! :lol: It was great to see so much of Sid in one ep, but I just wished Robert could have worked with better material than that. But like I said, that's my personal opinion. Maybe they were experimenting with Sid out of the basement for future episodes? I'd like to see that happen every now and then without losing the reality of his main job : autopsy. So, he pretty much have to stay in the basement, but like last week's ep, something drag him out... so that was interesting to watch.
Mind if I join the Sid/Robert fan group? ;) I just love Sid :D His humour, his hilarious stories, everything :lol: He's defenitely the coolest coroner out there! :D

Debbiiiieee, thanks for the piccies! :D
I like Sid too. He is very great! His glasses and his humour are unmatched.

:) :) :)


:adore: :adore: :adore:

Welcome in the gang, Stardust!!! :D

And thanks for the pictures, Nel2h!

Nobody else noticed how the new coroner in CSI:Miami is a parody of Sid?! :( Or it's just me?
^ I noticed! And it has me kind of :mad::scream: Not because I don't like Tom, but they basically ripped off Sid's most endearing quality and gave it to him to be his only one. To add insult to injury, it's like making Tom the "creepyish ME" took the quality away from Sid; we haven't seen Sid be all that creepy this season. Since Robert Joy was the one to apply that stereotype to the CSI franchise, it seems more than a little unfair that he doesn't get to keep it.
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I know!!! It makes me so mad! :scream: Every time Tom is on screen, I can't help but cringe. It's like the character was trying too much to be creepy à la Sid and it often not always ends up to be as funny as if it were Sid saying it. Now I regret saying on the forum that Sid was the only one to make autopsy interesting, specially compared to Miami!... LOL And it's a shame that the new ME doesn't have a personality of his own compared to previous MEs on CSI:Miami or the CSI franchise. At least Dr. Robbins and Sid are both creepy and funny but in a much different way!!! Their own way, I should say. Because, really, you gotta be a little bit creepy to do this full-time, nah? :lol:
Oh, I don't watch Miami, but I can understand you're not happy about that. I mean, Sid is unique, isn't he? His unique personality is why I love his character. He is creepy sometimes and he is very honest. But even if they add that behaviour to another character, hey, Sid is still Sid- the man with the creepy place. ;) I agree with Maya though, we didn't see much of it yet if I'm right? The creepy comments definitely have to come back.
We did see more of Sid's creepy moments in earlier seasons. He has not been in Season 6 so much yet. But it is not the usual Sid that we have seen so far. Only in 'Sanguine love' when he went to Mac's office just to tell Mac about vampires. It was so fun to see Mac's reaction :lol: But Sid is unique, no one could ever replace him. Not even any character in CSI Miami, so I won't even try to compare them. Sid is one of a kind, that's all I have to say.
Ah, I haven't seen that scene. Do you remember the conversation or do you know if the quotes are somewhere posted? Because I bet that was one funny moment. :lol: