Sid Hammerback - The coroner with the coolest glasses.

I'm with you guys, Sid totally needs to have an episode this season... I'd really like to see them delve into his life outside of the lab, cause that's not really something we know very much about... I love character development, and in my opinion, Sid is well overdue some...

I also agree with what you've said about him being observant and in many ways he is a rock to the team, I love how he always gives them advice, and tries to help them if they're having any problems, he is just such a sweet and loving character... Even if that is odd for a coronor, but it's Sid, and he's awesome. :lol:

I also wanna see him going back to his creepy place, hehe, he does that so well, it's been missing recently with all the seriousness that he's been given, but come on TPTB, give him some comedy, he does it so well. :D

As for an Adam and Sid scene... Well that would just make the season for me, my 2 favourite characters chatting would just be the most awesome thing ever. :adore:
Originally Posted by Monster Mash:
I'm with you guys, Sid totally needs to have an episode this season... I'd really like to see them delve into his life outside of the lab, cause that's not really something we know very much about... I love character development, and in my opinion, Sid is well overdue some...
Let's see his wife sometime! And those daughters that he keeps referring to...I really wonder what they're like, having grown up with Sid as their dad :eek: Although that would be pretty amazing. I liked the tidbit we got in "Point of No Return" when we heard that Pino apparently came to dinner all the time; and we know Sid tried inviting Mac to dinner at least once before. Maybe Mac could actually take him up on the offer this year? So we can see his home life?

He is already very supportive to them! He's always offering up observations on someone to the exact character that needs to hear those observations...and it's slightly unfair that the one time the team really needs a rock more than ever, TPTB have Sid being all absent and super-serious. They need his creepy place more than ever :lol: I find Sid adorable in the way that he cares because the main thing I really liked about Alexx Woods on Miami is how motherly she was, even despite her being a coroner. And then you have Sid, who's like the stereotypical creepy undertaker, and he's at times just as...well, grandfatherly ;) I like Doc Robbins on Vegas too, but not as much because he's not nearly as paternal to the team.

And honestly, if they could give us even one Sid/Adam/creepy-place scene, that would make any episode for me. Any at all. Even if the rest of episode was entirely Mac-centric and sucked completely (and had Horatio and Langston in it to boot. I am totally looking at "Hammer Down" here :shifty:).
Haha Stephie! I just *knew* you were going to like the idea of Adam and Sid in the same scene :D

I find Sid adorable in the way that he cares because the main thing I really liked about Alexx Woods on Miami is how motherly she was, even despite her being a coroner. And then you have Sid, who's like the stereotypical creepy undertaker, and he's at times just as...well, grandfatherly ;) I like Doc Robbins on Vegas too, but not as much because he's not nearly as paternal to the team.

I think one of his most adorable feature as professional is how he respect both: dead and alive people. I was very impressed by his scene in 5.25. Also, how he sees life without dramatism. I remember his scene with Stell in The Ride In and how sweet he was calming my Stella

And definitely we need Creepy Humour (hey we are almost in Halloween! :D)

I wonder how his family would be. I bet their daughters maybe makes creepy jokes as he does :D
And please, please please, this Family needs GRandPa Sid to the rescue!!!!! :D
Hehe, you know me too well Debs. ;) Adam and Sid would just be so awesome together, I can't believe TPTB haven't thought of it before, I mean they've only had what, one scene together? They need more, they could have such awesome humour if they were together...

I'm with you guys, I love how Sid is so paternal with the rest of the team, I think he's kinda like a loving, but somewhat crazy uncle. :D He has such sweet moments with all the other characters, I just love his way around other people, he's just so sweet...

We got a creepy place moment in the last ep! *Bounces up and down* When he was going on about the stomach contents of the vic and how the food was digested, it was back to the old Sid, rambling on about stuff and going into waaay more detail about that anyone cares to know, it was awesome, we need lots more scenes like that one, and some more of his morbid sense of humour, we need the old Sid back. :D
Originally Posted by Monster_Mash:
We got a creepy place moment in the last ep! *Bounces up and down* When he was going on about the stomach contents of the vic and how the food was digested, it was back to the old Sid, rambling on about stuff and going into waaay more detail about that anyone cares to know, it was awesome, we need lots more scenes like that one, and some more of his morbid sense of humour, we need the old Sid back. :D

:lol::lol: I was all "yesyesyes, he's back!" when I saw the Sid moment; it's the closest they've come in what feels like way too long, but it's not enough! I mean it was awesome, but it's not nearly enough, they need to give us Sid as he used to be. I'd get it if they were trying to make a point about how Marty and then Angell and then the shooting has him all down; but they haven't shown him nearly enough to make it clear that this is what they're doing (if it is what they're doing), so either they show us how Sid is being affected, or they bring him back. :(

Originally Posted by LadyPumpkin:
I wonder how his family would be. I bet their daughters maybe makes creepy jokes as he does :D

Lol, I bet Halloween is like their second Christmas :lol: We did see Sid actually decorate the morgue and mention celebrating, didn't we; back in Season 4? I'm kind of aimlessly hoping they'll show us another scene like that the week of Halloween...just, you know, maybe. Even if it's not a Halloween-themed episode.
:lol::lol: I was all "yesyesyes, he's back!" when I saw the Sid moment; it's the closest they've come in what feels like way too long, but it's not enough! I mean it was awesome, but it's not nearly enough, they need to give us Sid as he used to be. I'd get it if they were trying to make a point about how Marty and then Angell and then the shooting has him all down; but they haven't shown him nearly enough to make it clear that this is what they're doing (if it is what they're doing), so either they show us how Sid is being affected, or they bring him back. :(
I'm totally with you, they need lots more Sid the way he used to be... I mean come on it's Sid, he's awesome, he needs to be back to the character we all know and love... I mean it's been a while since Marty and Angell's death, and most of the rest of the team seem to back to normal, I think it's time we had the old Sid back. I'm still hoping for some more scene in his creepy place too? Pretty please? I'd love to see a scene with Sid explaining some of the halloween traditions to some of the team, that would be so awesome... I love how he can just rhyme off random facts about stuff, it's so awesome. :D

Lol, I bet Halloween is like their second Christmas :lol: We did see Sid actually decorate the morgue and mention celebrating, didn't we; back in Season 4? I'm kind of aimlessly hoping they'll show us another scene like that the week of Halloween...just, you know, maybe. Even if it's not a Halloween-themed episode.
:lol: That would be AMAZING! I'd love to see Sid decorate the morgue, I can totally imagine him doing something like that, and talking about the day of the dead, that would be more than awesome! Hehe, we needs lots more Sid, and a halloween ep, well that would just make the season for me, well of course it'd need to have lots of Sid creepiness in it. ;)
i was disappointed that Sid wasn't in the last episode but at least he was mentioned :) here's to hoping for more creepy Sid scenes in the future. :D
Originally Posted by MonsterMash:
I'm totally with you, they need lots more Sid the way he used to be... I mean come on it's Sid, he's awesome, he needs to be back to the character we all know and love... I mean it's been a while since Marty and Angell's death, and most of the rest of the team seem to back to normal, I think it's time we had the old Sid back. I'm still hoping for some more scene in his creepy place too? Pretty please? I'd love to see a scene with Sid explaining some of the halloween traditions to some of the team, that would be so awesome... I love how he can just rhyme off random facts about stuff, it's so awesome. :D

Halloween is coming up soon, too! (Well, it doesn't look like we're going to be getting an episode the week of Halloween :( But I'd happily take a scene in the next ep we do get where Sid's explaining what he did over Halloween.) I can't believe it's been so long since we've heard anything about his traditions (like the "celebrating the dead" or how he wonders if he can perform an autopsy on himself :lol: Best Mac-and-Sid moment ever, btw).

Originally Posted by Halloweentown_NeRd:
i was disappointed that Sid wasn't in the last episode but at least he was mentioned :) here's to hoping for more creepy Sid scenes in the future. :D

Agreed! Especially after all the missing-Sid this season, they so owe us a really good, solid Sid's-creepy-place moment.
I agree with all of you. Not having Sid is no normal. I love my Sheldon moments but when he was with Stell in the autopsy room i asked myself Where is Sid?" I just love Sid, especially when he is "in the humour", you know "Welcome to my creepy place" humour :D
I enjoy his moments with Sheldon, with Mac with Stell and Don. I haven't had much scenes with Danny tough

We need more creepy moments! :D
I'm with you guys, we need lots more creepy place moments, I'd just love to have a scene with Sid talking about halloween, or explaining some gorey details about a crime to another member of the team... Heck, we just need Sid to have more screentime, he deserves more love. :adore:
Caramba! Since when Sid got so popular? lol I'm all for it, Sid is amazing!

I too notice the lack of Sid since the new season started and I hope it's going to change soon. CSI:NY ain't the same without him going in that creepy place during autopsy reports!!! And on a very egoistical note : I need my Sid fix lol

By the way, what's with everyone changing username!? lol I don't know who's who anymore (the people that were on my friends list with their old username)
We all have halloween names, so after halloween, they'll go back to what they were before. ;)

Hehe, it's awesome that Sid is becoming more popular, maybe it'll make TPTB realise how much he means to the fans and finally give him some great material to work with... I'm totally with you Cyn, I'm in dire need of a great Sid fix, I really hope that we get to see him even make a passing reference to halloween, that would be so awesome. :adore:
Okay, I hope I am allowed to change the subject a little bit here. I've reading all posts in this thread but haven't seen anyone who mentioned Amityville 3. Well, Robert Joy was in that movie and his character Elliot West is quite similar to Sid Hammerback. At least, I think so. Just wanted to ask if someone else have seen it and maybe agrees??
Oh, I've never seen it, to be honest, I don't think I've saw any of Rob's stuff other than NY... But his character was like Sid? That's cool, I think Rob is totally awesome, he plays that kind of character so well, he has the creepiness to a tee, but at the same time there is just something really lovable about him, I mean come on, lets be realistic, how often can you have someone playing a coroner, who can one second be rhyming of facts about C.O.D, then a few seconds later be talking about his kids, and what he cooked for dinner, when he wanted to be a chef, Sid is definitely one of a kind, and I don't think anyone could play the role quite so well as Rob does. :D