Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

It was 5:30 and knowing Mac only had had to work until four she was going to get him home to change.

However Mac was in his office and had different ideas, he wasn’t the dancing type and was determined to stay in his office. His shift had finished nearly two hours ago and he could see Stella, who was on her way to his office.

‘Are you ready?’ Stella asked working in to the room.


‘What do you mean…no!’ Stella replied mimicking Macs tone.

‘Erm well I am waiting for a call off the commissioner and I have a lot of work to do.’ Mac was trying to come up with a better excuse than I don’t dance!

‘Mac… It’s Saturday afternoon and I know that the commissioner only rings you either on Monday morning or if there is a high profile case, which there isn’t. You just can’t be bothered to come out with me for a change!’ With that Stella left Mac alone and went back to her office to finish off her own reports.

Mac sat at his desk feeling extremely guilty but at the same time a little confused. That was one of the first times Stella had not tried to win. The truth was he didn’t have a call on its way and his paperwork was half the size as when Stella had prised him from his office the other day.

Mac gave up, even though she wasn’t there Stella was going to succeed. He turned off the PC, walked out of his office and headed towards Stella’s.


‘What now Mac, I’m busy!’

‘I was wondering if the offer still stands.’ Asked Mac

‘Sorry I have case files a metre high’ Stella didn’t but she was that annoyed she had decided to mimic Mac.

‘Can I persuade you?’

‘Nope I’m afraid I’ll die or something if I leave my office!’

‘Is that so?’ Mac walked up behind Stella who was now standing up putting something into the filling cabinet at the back of the room and lifted her up and onto his shoulders!

‘Mmmaaaccc’ Stella yelled, ‘put me down!’

Stella’s voice had alarmed the curious lab techs and many heads popped out of the doors to see what all the commotion was about.
Mac pressed the elevator button and waited, ignoring a squealing Stella. When it arrived there was one other person inside. Mac greeted them as if he was on his own.

By the time they had arrived at Mac’s SUV Stella had stopped struggling so he put her down. ‘I could have walked out you know’

‘No you couldn’t you said that you ermmm would die if you left your office, if I remember correctly.’ Mac leaned closer to Stella so that she was pinned against the car door.

‘You got me there Captain!’ She closed the gap and kissed him softly.

‘Come on Stel… You need to go and get your glad-rags on because we are going out!’

‘Can’t we stay in?’ Pouting at Mac before he kissed her again.

‘Who’s changed their tune now….. No we are going out. Hop in.’ with one last kiss he opened the passenger door for her, got in the other side and drove a way towards her apartment.

When he reached her apartment he opened the door for Stella and kissed her- he just couldn’t resist. ‘What shall I wear sweetheart?’ Well it had been a while since he had been out.

‘Something casual, like those jeans and that shirt I brought you for your birthday.’

‘Well ok I will be back in about an hour’ looking at his watch, ‘I’ll knock on your door at eight.’

‘Ok captain, I’ll see you soon.’


Next post will have PM :devil:
Like I said up there^^ this one comes with a PM :devil:.....Calm down Mel :lol:...., please ask if you want to read it!


It was quarter to eight and Stella knew that because Mac was Mac he wasn’t going to be late.

She had decided to wear her favourite emerald dress. She wasn’t going to deny it but she knew that her chosen dress emphasised her cleavage. It wasn’t as if she was trying to get Macs attention or any thing was it!!

The doorbell rang and she looked at the clock on her wall 8:55, what a surprise Mac was early.

She opened the door revealing Mac, who was wearing dark blue jeans with a short sleeved shirt which showed off his biceps perfectly. Stella also noticed that his mouth was open.

Mac just starred as the door opened, she was beautiful. He knew that if he stepped in side that dress would not be staying on Stella for long.

‘Mac?’ Stella asked trying to hide her smile as Mac struggled to put his eyes back in.

‘Erm… Are you…. ready to go?’ Mac hated it how Stella always made him forget what he was trying to say.

‘Yep, let me just lock up.’ After she was finished she stepped forward and kissed Mac on the cheek. ‘Let’s go’

As they walked towards the elevator Stella entwined her fingers with Mac’s, where they fitted perfectly.

With Stella’s instruction Mac drove them to a place called ‘Scarlet’. ‘So what’s this place like Stel?’

‘Well when I said we were going ‘clubbing’ I was sort of lying this place is more of a bar where there’s dancing!’

‘Oh’ there was that word again Mac thought, dancing.

‘Come on Captain you’ll be fine’ Stella obviously knew the owner because they were allowed to walk straight in, they didn’t have to queue.

Stella guided him to the bar ‘Two of your specials Tony,’

‘Coming right up Miss’

‘Oh and put it on my tab’ Stella spoke the words directly at Mac who was trying to take his wallet out of his pocket. ‘No way Mac, tonight’s on me.’

They picked up their drinks and headed to a booth at the end of the room. The music was catchy and many people were dancing in the middle of the room and Mac new he would have to join them soon.

They were talking when Mac heard a new song play ‘flirt’ by the pussy cat dolls and he new that Stella loved the song.

Stella grabbed his arm, ‘come on Mac, I love this song.’ Mac moaned. ‘You’re coming Captain!’

When they reached the floor Stella put Mac’s hands on her hips and put her arms around his neck and started to move to the beat of the music. Mac followed her movement while looking into her eyes. It wasn’t that bad really.

Stella moved even closer causing his hands to slide onto her bottom and she started to grind her hips against Mac’s. Both the dancers were soon losing control and Mac’s arousal was beginning to get Stella’s attention. ‘Your place it’s closer!’ Stella whispered into Mac’s ear. The couple practically ran out of the bar.

Mac was extremely tempted to put on the lights on his SUV but broke about five speeding laws on his way over to his apartment instead. As soon as the elevator doors were shut their lips connected in a heated kiss. They reached the door of Mac’s place and Stella began to nibble his ear as he struggled to open the door.

As soon as the door was closed Mac backed Stella up against it and with one pull on her zip the emerald dress fell to the floor. Mac stopped and looked at the black lace lingerie that she was wearing, ‘were you expecting a visitor in certain departments tonight miss?’

‘Who says it was going to be..?’ Mac cut her off by kissing her again while lifting her up so that her legs were wrapped around his waist. Mac carried Stella into his bedroom where he loved her all night long.
It was the morning after the night before and Stella stretched over to the right, it was cold. She didn’t think Mac would have left her without saying goodbye but then she smelt a burning smell. She smiled into her pillow when she realised what the other smell was…pancakes. Stella loved pancakes and Mac new it but she now knew that he couldn’t cook them! She looked on the floor for his boxers but they weren’t there she mentally slapped herself knowing Mac wouldn’t be walking around naked, shame. Stella stood up and walked towards his draws at the side of the room. Locating her treasure she slipped them on to her small frame and put on Mac’s shirt on which had been removed the night before.

She walked into Mac’s kitchen and sat on a stool by the island in the middle of the room. Mac didn’t realise that she was their and continued to dance around the kitchen while he tried to stop the pancakes burning even more.

‘Need any help?’

There was a sudden clatter as Mac dropped the spatula that he was holding and looked at Stella who still sitting down. ‘Thanks for the warning!’

A giggling Stella got off sit and walked towards Mac as he turned around to sort out the pancakes. He was just wearing his boxers which got Stella very excited. ‘I see you found wear I keep my underwear, what would you do if I put yours on?’

Stella slipped her fingers down the edge of Mac’s boxers and tried to tug them off, ’Why don’t we have a look?’

‘No way Miss Bonasera I prefer them on you but then again you look damn sexy in mine.’ Mac turned around and hosted Stella on to the work top. Just as they were getting hot and heavy the phone rang.

‘Arrr’, Mac moaned in frustration as he picked up the phone. ‘What’

‘Woohh Mac, who got out of the wrong side of the bed today!?!?,’ Flack asked down the phone.

‘Flack what do you want?’ Mac asked, Flack was keeping him from precious Stella-time.

‘Erm, we got a DB in a run down house on Staten Island’ Flack announced, ‘Can you and Stella go down and process’

Mac knew he was smiling down the phone, ‘Yeh of cause Flack I’ll ring her now we’ll meet you in about an hour’

‘Whatever you say Mac, see you there.’ Mac put down the phone and looked at Stella with a confused look on his face.


‘I swear Flack know you’re here!’ Mac said a little surprised.

‘Oh well, it’s not the end of the world,’ She kissed him lightly on the lips, ‘Come on let’s go safe the city! But first I need my back rubbed.’ With that she pulled him in to the bathroom.
They arrived at the scene feeling very refreshed after their shower. Mac had now decided that Stella was best at ‘rubbing’ you clean.

‘Hey guys, you finally made it!’ Still smiling He informed them what they had happened, ‘We got a female victim her names Bertha Jones, and she’s 20 years old. Erm, there’s no witnesses a dog walker near by heard the shot; the house is a little secluded for there to be any anyway!

Mac nodded in agreement, ‘She’s in the first bedroom on the left after you reach the top of the stairs. I need to go back to the precinct can I leave you two alone’

How the hell did Flack know about his relationship with Stella, Mac thought. ‘Mac I’ll leave two officers with you they say the place is clear, it should be safe.’

‘Ok see you later Flack.’ Mac shouted over his shoulder as he headed towards the door.

Stella hadn’t moved towards the house but had stayed rooted to the spot. She could swear that she was being watched.

‘Stel are you ok?’ Mac asked.

‘Ermm yeh, I’m coming’ Stella walked up to the house to join Mac.

‘God Mac this place looks spotless; we’ll struggle to find any trace!’ Stella walked over to the victim, ‘It’s a clean kill Mac one shot gun wound to the chest.’

‘Ok this won’t take long, do you want to take the pictures?’

‘Aaarr, damn it!’

‘What’s the matter Stel’ Mac sounded a little worried.

‘I left the camera in the SUV; I’ll just go get it.’ Stella walked back out the room. On her way outside she saw the two officers in the kitchen.

‘Hello officers we shouldn’t be long it’s not a bad scene.’

‘Oh ok detective.’

Stella reached the SUV and reached into it and found the camera. Suddenly the world went black!