Re: Shark *Possible Spoilers*
No but I know that look he gave them, I have personally seen it myself, and then they hugged and cried, if he didn't die they would have had the doctor say something even if it was in effect something we couldn't hear.
But I just re-watched the ending, and when the doctor came out, Casey stood up, and Shark & the girls looked at him, waiting for the news and the doctor looked sad and shook his head no. Casey fell into his chair put his head down, and the girls cried and hugged and shark had to sit down (and we know nothing usually affects him) and he looked like he was in shock and confused and trying to hold back the tears.
If they didn't kill off Martin, then that last bit would be even more confusing, I guess were going to have to wait for the spoilers for the next eps (2 wks away) to find out.