*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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Wasn't there a tiny debate about the current threads name, where it came down to the name we have and another one (can't remember) and someone said we'd do the next thread with that title?

OOh I remember now, something that Billy and Gary said, uh, Sexbomb with just the right mix of hormones. Or something like that that lol
That's another good one. obviously, if u prefer to choose that one, according to a previous discussion, I agree ;)
But I also remember Destiny asked to have short titles, here.
We should try and think of a short and nice title...

So, so far we have:

"Marg/Catherine: Cath!Drama Drama Beats Grey's"
"Marg/Catherine: She can investigate me anytime"
"Marg/Catherine:High Heels,Sexy Smirk"

AND, unless it's too long > "The Sex bomb with just the right mix of hormones"

let's shorten it a bit...sexbomb w/just the right mix of hormones

ok, so it only eliminate two characters.
Yes I did state that the shorter and simpler the titles the better for all. But lets keep "Grey's Anatomy" out of it. I get the competition but thats really taking it to extreme. Since some are having trouble deciding, how about a compromise, These would sound like everything you all want to say and have said without it being extemely long.

"Marg/Catherine: She's Got It All #5.0"
"Marg/Cath: She's All That #5.0"
And Destiny, since I didn't see it on the rules (maybe it's just me) are we allowed to have a HEADER for the thread?
Want to expand on what you are referring to Dardeile with that question. Better yet Pm me please with your question and the expansion, it would be easier.
but destiny you left out sexbomb and right mix of hormones!!!

could we do an acronym? swtrmoh. says it all but well doesn't look so sexy. hmmmm.

teh sex?

marg/cath: a real woman?
coolcatz said:
but destiny you left out sexbomb and right mix of hormones!!!
Yes I did, and on purpose
could we do an acronym? swtrmoh. says it all but well doesn't look so sexy. hmmmm.
No and no it doesn't.
Nope not happening.
marg/cath: a real woman?
There is a little bit before a decision has to be made, lets stay in the here and now. I gave you all a compromise, to use or use as an example. We'll deal with it when it comes time. ;)
LOL thanks for answering the questions Destiny. :lol: Meanwhile I think we could try to come up with other suggestions that are safe for a therad title. We still have time. ;)

I love that Marg is telling women to go out and vote. :)
yeah, but see we can have fun with you this way. you suggest something and then i suggest something that will be rejected. it's a whole "we miss destiny so let's make her post" kinda thing. :p

now, going back a bit...marg's interview and psa...how many of you are registered to vote?
You're welcome on the answer and :lol: umm thanks...I think. No thats sweet strange but sweet. :D
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