*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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That was soo sad I cried, I hope that she doesn't get pregnant.. whats funny is she was gorgeous throughout the WHOLE ep. even waking up. =]
I cannot wait to see her on Built to Kill. Unfortunately I'm unable to watch the eps as soon as they're aired. :(
But I don't have to be a fortune-teller to say I'm gonna cry on it.
MArg Definatly Rocks..DId u see wat happend to her last nite!! I wanted to Cry
Re: *Sexy, Sassy, Steely, and Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

I wanted to cry did u watch and see what had happend to her last nite!!
Omg I love the DRess That marg/catherine wore last nite on the first episode on the 7th season..
Omg i cannot believe we all have to wait to see wat happens next week....I was so0o in to it until I seen 2 BE CONTINUED!!<3 i could have had a heart attack and then they showed a preview of what will happen on next weeks episode and she got in a car crash and her daughter was missen they took her daughter..<3...She Is 2 me the best character that could be on the show.....But If u cant wait until next week then reply to my post and we can talk about the episode and could u believe that would happen to catherine of all of them....Well Luv u guys..
Hi 0xnikkix0, welcome to the Marg/Catherine discussion thread. We'd love to talk about Marg with anyone who appreciates her, but please make sure you read the rules regarding posting before you actually make any posts. Double posting is one of the things that are not allowed on this forum. There's an "edit" button on the top right of your post. If you feel like adding anything to your post or editing it, just click the button and you can do it without double posting as long as it's within the 24 hours of the editing time limit.

Just a reminder. Better keep it on your mind or Destiny will decide your destiny in the LV forum. :D
kaylyne said:
After re-watching the last 15 minutes for about the 10th time (who really needs to sit through the other 45 minutes of boredom again?!) there is one question that really pops up. Why did Cath call the lab? She called the main number to the lab and got the receptionist. Why wouldn't she call one of "the gang", or even Brass or Sofia, or some specific person. She called the main lab. That really was out of place, IMO. I guess TMTB haven't made up their minds yet who they want her reaching out to.

And another question - when she started to feel woozy, why didn't she call out to Nick? He was right there - she was watching him. I guess she didn't want to ruin his dance with the other lady.

Rape victims are frequently embarassed by what has happened to them. I suspect she called the lab and when she heard the receptionists voice it scared/embarassed her. As for why she didn't call someone else on the team, Sara is the only female on the team and they aren't particarly close, so I can't see Cath asking Sara for help. As for the guys, would you want a guy looking at you that way? Especially a friend?

Edited to add:

I forgot to mention what a wonderful job Marg did with this. The expression on her face. Amazing. I hope this gets put up for Emmy consideration
Definitely a performance worthy of a nomination, but I'm waiting until I see next week's episode - because I get a feeling that Cath will have a larger part in it. Although, I don't really think she can top this last performance, she always surprises me (and that really SHOULDN'T surprise me anymore, but it does).
Unbelieveable performance by Marg last night! Such a restrained horror of what happened to her and as always with Marg, she can tell a complete story just with her eyes.

I never wanted anything like that to happen to Catherine :( but Marg is sooo amazing. I want to watch it again and again even though it breaks my heart.

WillowsWannaBe and everyone else, the full episode is up on CBS's InnerTube to watch for at least a week. I can't remember if CSI's episodes will be available all season or just a week. Go to Encore presentation on InnerTube to watch it again. :)
OMG guys... Just seen the ep. I am so shocked and depressed. Marg was awesome as always. Maybe that made me this depressed that Marg is a so damn good actress. Omg.
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