*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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Ebay is a (wo)mans best friend. I've bought Lie Down With Lions, Through The Eyes of a Killer, Frame By Frame, the Tommyknockers, and Desperate Motive off of there. I believe right now ebay still has frame by frame, lethal vows (dvd), the tommyknockers, fire down below, after midnight and desperate motive (which I love that one purely for the fact that marg plays a completely phsycotic chick. seriously whacked. It was awesome :cool:)
If you're lucky, you might bump into people who will give you Marg's films for free lol. I gotta check out Desperate Motive. I love seriously whacked characters and psychos :lol: ..I think its totally hard to act out those roles. Oh since JonBenet is in the news again, I bet a lot of people would rent/buy Perfect Murder, Perfect Town.

What was the movie where Marg was featured and she never talked? .. :lol: I think CatherineWStokes knows what movie it was.
kc_from_kc said:
Ebay is a (wo)mans best friend. I've bought Lie Down With Lions, Through The Eyes of a Killer, Frame By Frame, the Tommyknockers, and Desperate Motive off of there.
THAT is so true! I bought each one of my region 1 Marg DVD off ebay, hahaha! Bummer that some of her made-for-TV movies were never released on VHS or DVD (like Hearts on Fire), but yeah, Hottie was right. You could meet someone who'd give you the movies for free if you're lucky. :D

Kelly, Species 1 has a two-disc director's edition. The ice cream scene that got cut is one of the special features. I think I had made a clip and uploaded it for some friends. I'll see whether I can find it on my computer if you want it.
^^^I saw it posted on csi-vegas.. hmm maybe it wasn't you but Kate who posted it.
Marg was there just moving around her house in sexy clothes, and her guy partner just talks and talks.. she has no speaking lines, she just mumbles some incoherent words or nods her head. I was cracking up because she doesn't speak! :lol: Marg was included in the movie just for the hotness factor I think lol! But I can't remember the title.
Are you thinking of Crooked Hearts? In that one she's a waitress at a diner in the 50's or 60's, and it's this little kid narrating, talking about how he was in love with her and I think she had about one line that you could hear. The rest was all her walking around talking to customers. Is that the one?
^ I loved her in Crooked Hearts. She was only a few minutes in that movie, but she was gorgeous. She actually had more than one line. She talked to the boy, to the big brother, and part of the letter was read by her...I'm not sure about this one, though, since all I remember from that letter is "I long for you". :D But yeah, her lines weren't memorable at all. LOL. She looked fuller in that movie and judging by the time (released 1991), I think she might be pregnant when she filmed the movie. It was a sad movie and I so felt for the characters. And Noah Wyle was great in it. :)

Just did a search on IMDb and holy cow! It's been on DVD since last December and I hadn't known about it! *slaps self*

ETA: Watch a trailer on IMDb w/o Marg. :D
^ Eh, then Rissa missed a lot because Marg had a big part in Distant Cousins. :D It's a weird movie but I love Psycho Marg in it. :lol:
Oh ok thanks, it is Distant Cousins.. obviously Kate only gave the hot scenes. :lol:
The boy in Crooked Hearts(he's a grown-up now) Joshua Jackson was interviewed about the movie and he said it was memorable for him because he got his first onscreen kiss in that movie (and the kiss was from Marg) and also because he had the chance to curse in it, lol!
Hottie_Cath said:
Oh ok thanks, it is Distant Cousins.. obviously Kate only gave the hot scenes. :lol:
Maybe that clip gave the wrong impression of the kind of part Marg had in the film, I want to try and get it now. :)
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