*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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Thank you, and spray paint won't stick it'll just bounce right back on the person spraying it. :) *You can not win I have mod protection.* :lol:
I just came across the China Beach episode "Nightfall", and it ends with what I think is the greatest monologue Marg has ever had the opportunity to give on screen. It looked like it was shot in one entire scene - no camera cuts. The camera just pans around her in a circle. It's very chilling.

Well Father, I'm here for my confession...where are you?... you out there in the dark? ....Sneaking into some corner where you feel safe? ..........When I quit school, I went to work at a meat packing plant. We called it "the Pack".... they would bring the cattle in...and 35 assembly lines later it would end up on a shelf in your icebox... plastic wrapped around it.

I was assigned to the chuck. it would go by me on the line and I would reach in with my fingers and pull out the bloodclots. ........Women weren't allowed to work on the kill floor. But I would sneak down and watch......

First they would stun the animal, shoot it in the forehead with a .22 and then hoist it upside down, shanles around its hind legs. And one quick clean slice right through the jugular...and it would just hang there........bleeding ..... dying..... numb............ And I would watch........ from a corner where I felt safe..... stunned...... numb....... the best thing about being numb is that you don't feel anything....nothing can prick your skin, nothing can pierce your heart...... everything..... everybody you touch feels the same....... and .......when they touch you...... you don't feel anything.........I umm ......I'm feeling a little scared now. What if something does pierce my heart? ......I'll feel it. ....... I'll feel it.
^ I've always loved that monologue. It was so, so powerful. So breathtaking. Everytime I watch the clip of it, it makes me sad. :(

However, one thing I keep wondering is... KC worked at a meat packing plant? Doesn't that sound familiar? :lol:
At least you know who had an input in writing the script and in giving their character a part of themselves!

Marg & Ann Donahue make an incredible pair. She's definitely what CSI is missing these days.
iheartnickcath said:
*looks shocked* How'd you... .. *pokes* I'll get you Dest!

Squishy, are you talking in riddles again?

When doesn't Squishy talk in riddles? :devil:
Good point, Bev

My CB marathon kicked ass. I .. you know what to them all muahwhww!.. I capped it too. You want them?.. Tell me I'm pretty. :D
^you are pretty. you are gorgeous. you are a mini-marg and if george saw you his mouth would drop to the ground. *is squishy good or what?*

so...any updates on mr. brooks or conan?
You always use George, thats no fair. but you are good.

Yes, it comes out this year, and knowing conan, sometime this month.
*pouts* Destiny, have you been changing the movies around again?!? :lol:

I figured they'd do that. People are mean.
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