Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

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I definitely remember the song. I had not thought of that until you mentioned it, Nicksfriend. That is a very good possibility that is could be a closure type ep about Warrick for Nick.
As soon as I read that a CSI would find himself emotionally involved, it just screamed Nick. Nick has gotten emotionally involved in cases far too many times for it not to be him. The only time Greg did (aside from Demetrius James thing and when Nick was buried and Sara was kidnapped and of course Warrick's death) was the Tara Matthews case and that's only cause he could identify with her because of the lab explosion and cause it reminded him of that happening to him.

And I bet we'll have to hear that song several times throughout the episode. :lol:
How about the hooker chick he got involved with, and slept with, and he was framed for her murder, and her "pimp" got in his face, what was the name of that ep.? he's so sweet he needs a love interest:p
How about the hooker chick he got involved with, and slept with, and he was framed for her murder, and her "pimp" got in his face, what was the name of that ep.? he's so sweet he needs a love interest:p

Kristy Hopkins was the hooker's name and the ep was "Boom". :) I had to look up the ep name cause all I could remember was that it started with a "B". :lol:
yeah that one not a real popular ep lol

I'd love to see more Warrick stuff since we haven't seen much from Nick yet
yeah that one not a real popular ep lol

I'd love to see more Warrick stuff since we haven't seen much from Nick yet

Well we don't know if it's going to be Nick. It could be Ray or it could be Greg still.

No Boom was not popular. Having Nick sleep with a hooker didn't appeal to a lot of fans-even George Eads, reportedly, wasn't happy with that storyline.

Again, it still could be Ray or Greg getting involved emotionally.
9.16 - Turn Turn Turn

Reminds me of "Turn of the Screw" lol.

We follow the happenings of a seedy motel's inhabitants over the course of a year. The CSIs are called to a few too many cases to be coincidence and one in particular finds himself becoming emotionally involved.

For one who went to a Christian College this term sounded familiar so I stuck it to Google and then it came up:

"Turn! Turn! Turn! (to Everything There is a Season)", often abbreviated to "Turn! Turn! Turn!", is a song adapted entirely from the the Book of Ecclesiates in the Bible (with the exception of the last line) and composed to music in the 1950s.

The lyrics are taken almost verbatim from the King James version of the Bible, Ecclesiates 3:1.

  1. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
  2. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
  3. A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
  4. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
  5. A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
  6. A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
  7. A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
  8. A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
” The Biblical text posits there being a time and place for all things: laughter and sorrow, healing and killing, war and peace, and so on.

I wonder if there is a connection to the episode? I think it will be Nick and maybe some closure to Warrick's death.

You know, that might be possible because it might be the same hotel where the Under Sheriff and Pritchard were..interesting observation there..good one..

Just read the casting call over in NO NO land and it seems the name of the motel is Blume's Motel...casting for a lot of teenagers ....also had a star baseball player and some other high school characters...I just don't looks more like a Catherine sort of episode...If there are two cases then it could be the second case that elicits the emotional Nick or Greg or Langston...hoping that it is Nick but not betting the farm on it...just hoping.
This case looks interesting. I'm all for a Catherine episode. It would be her first one as the new Graveshift Supervisor right?

As for the person getting 'personally involved', what about Riley? I know she's new and all but she could become personally involved in something too.

I think Dr. Langston character is too staid and stoic to have any sort of personal connection to any cases. At least at this point.
I think it could be a case of Riley getting more emotionally involved than she should. She is still the "new girl" and might not be able to separate herself from her work quite yet. Remember how she acted when that grandmother pulled the gun earlier in the season.

I think that this will be an instance of Nick, Catherine, or even Greg being the voice of reason and the newbie getting more personally involved.

Just a thought...
This case looks interesting. I'm all for a Catherine episode. It would be her first one as the new Graveshift Supervisor right?

As for the person getting 'personally involved', what about Riley? I know she's new and all but she could become personally involved in something too.

I think Dr. Langston character is too staid and stoic to have any sort of personal connection to any cases. At least at this point.

9.16 - Turn Turn Turn

Reminds me of "Turn of the Screw" lol.

We follow the happenings of a seedy motel's inhabitants over the course of a year. The CSIs are called to a few too many cases to be coincidence and one in particular finds himself becoming emotionally involved.

It says "himself", so unless it's an episode where we discover Catherine's actualy a male (Insert Crying Game song here-JUST KIDDING I LOVE CATHERINE and that love shows in some teasing:)) or whoever wrote the original synopsis slipped-it might be one of the three males on the team.
Is Turn, Turn, Turn the 200th episode? If we're following the same crime scene over the course of a year, we'd almost have to see Grissom in it.
I think the 200th episode is going to be until towards the end of the season. I do not think this one is it.
Ep names subject to change. But counting the next new ep here would be how many and possibly when.

192. Season 9, Ep 10: One To Go (2)
193. Season 9, Ep 11: The Grave Shift
194. Season 9, Ep 12: Disarmed and Dangerous
195. Season 9, Ep 13: Deep Fried & Minty Fresh
196. Season 9, Ep 14: Miscarriage Of Justice
197. Season 9, Ep 15: Kill Me If You Can
198. Season 9, Ep 16: Turn Turn Turn
This case looks interesting. I'm all for a Catherine episode. It would be her first one as the new Graveshift Supervisor right?

As for the person getting 'personally involved', what about Riley? I know she's new and all but she could become personally involved in something too.

I think Dr. Langston character is too staid and stoic to have any sort of personal connection to any cases. At least at this point.

9.16 - Turn Turn Turn

Reminds me of "Turn of the Screw" lol.

We follow the happenings of a seedy motel's inhabitants over the course of a year. The CSIs are called to a few too many cases to be coincidence and one in particular finds himself becoming emotionally involved.
It says "himself", so unless it's an episode where we discover Catherine's actualy a male (Insert Crying Game song here-JUST KIDDING I LOVE CATHERINE and that love shows in some teasing:)) or whoever wrote the original synopsis slipped-it might be one of the three males on the team.

HAHAHAHA :lol: Thanks for pointing that out. I guess I should read the captions a little closer huh? :rolleyes: That's what I get for coming here without enough coffee. :lol: ;)

And in that case, the episode screams NICKY or Greg. But how much can Greg go through? He already has been through the ringer with the Demetrius James case and his family.
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