Season 8 Wishlist

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Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Thanks for all of you that liked my list. I thought I'd write it up in the form of a letter. I was bored and I always seem to write in a manner that I'm writing to someone or writing a story. But anyway, I probably will send it now that you're mentioning it... :D

hhunter, I totally get what you're saying. We don't want to see just how they're doing, but get a glimpse of how their lives or continuing on after said events. And of course, I know my list doesn't please everyone. :rolleyes:

But, spankme, I'm quite confused by your response.
spankme said:
I find it interesting you took me to task and invited me to go to another ship thread and then you put in a huge compliment for Butterflie's total shippy post.

"Total shippy post"? :confused: The only part of my post that I can find shippy is where I mentioned my opinion on how GSR should be handled in Season 8 and, very stretched here, how LH made a very awkward situation for Grissom and Sara in The Good, The Bad, and the Dominatrix and how I, attempting at humor, said it made me feel unsettled in effect since I am a GSR fan. But I am not debating my support of GSR or how other ships are not right, etc.
ButterFlied92 said:
Third...TPTB, you know better than to just drop off a story line. GSR needs to be recognized now that Grissom has professed his love for Sara to the entire team. I'd personally like it if it falters a little, and then blossoms, all happy-go-lucky so to say. Drama's my thing.

I don't see at all how that can be perceived as parading GSR and speaking in a manner about ships not appropriate for this forum. I believe that I stayed well within boundaries regarding ships by just saying that, in one tiny paragraph, the way I feel GSR should play out next season. One reason out of twelve that I posted. *shrugs shoulders* Care to explain?
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I take exception to "what the majority of the fans want". It is what the majority of GSR fans want. There is a difference. CSI lost a number of Gil and CSI fans this year from sheer disappointment. Their ratings number show a 20% drop over last year. The "back when boring" made them number one. The now and freakish made them number six. My wish is the back and boring makes a return because I don't want this season to be CSI's last.

I must say Butterflied92 did put together a nice letter. It has the wording and punctuation of someone much older than fifteen. I obviously don't agree with her sentiments about Sara but it was well written.

Here's another wish. Although it is nice to have young viewers, we mature viewers have most of the free cash to spend on the sort of products CSI promotes. It's time CSI take that into account again and pander to the mature audience that made CSI number one for six years.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I'm a sales rep. and deal with hundreds of people on a weekly basis, as well as neighbors, and usually get around to CSI, and these people are NOT on any fan-site, nor do they even know what "SHIPPER" means, so I ask them their opinion, what they think, with no proding or my opinion. One girl said "she liked Lady Heather, but saw that it was futile, when Grissom made his announcement to the team in the finale" but 'majority' say they like the direction that CSI has taken, and see the 'paring' as one of acceptance, like it, and and that they hope it continues, and my handyman as well! ;)so this is my world I'm speaking of, and the fan base that does watch the show, that I speak too! And this is staying on topic, it's what other fans want to see in the up-copming S/8! I just lent some tapes to a manager of one of the stores I service starting with "MONSTER IN A BOX' so he's going to give me his opinion when he's done watching them!
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I'm a teacher and speak to my students, my colleagues, and other people that I know along the way and ask them what they think of the show. Most of them like the direction the show has taken, some of them are 'so-so' about the relationship, but many of them don't understand the point of it and think it's turning into 'just another one of those drama series' where the leads all hook up like ER'. I guess it all depends where you are.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I do think it depends on who you talk to (the ship argument)
Now in an attempt to get this back on to topic (sorry Destiny )

here is more of what I want

-Yes, bring back more of Lady Heather. Put some strain on GSR
-More Brass and what happened to all the other detectives???
-another episode like The Strip Stangler, Anonymous, What's Eating Gilbert Grissom all continued storylines over several seasons

ok, I think I'm done now
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I work in a technical capacity in a large call centre and I never discuss CSI with my clients. It just strikes me as weird. Even over the many years when I dealt in a Sales capacity face-to-face I never discussed tv or romances with my customers.

When I do speak to my co-workers, many don't watch CSI and those that do watch it for the science and the plot lines. A number used to watch it but found season six weak and left that season. No one has mentioned GSR one way or the other except for a couple who stopped watching it this year because they said it was boring with the miniatures over and over and it was just a soap. I did hear complaints about the lack of juicy corpses. We did have a discussion on the lack of ethics when a Supervisor is dating a Subordinate followed by our reminiscing about the several Sups that have been fired by our company over the years for doing just that.

It's like a company taking a poll. You can get people to say almost anything depending on how you word it. I'm used to manipulating people with words to get them to do what needs to be done when troubleshooting. I probably could get a conversation going and get folks to be for or against GSR but I just wouldn't. There's lots of things to talk about in this world and I keep my CSI comments in the online CSI world. Even among friends and family, we rarely discuss our favourite tv shows. I find that people don't like to talk about tv because what you watch reveals a lot about the kind of person you are.

Wishlist again - more juicy corpses and maybe Gil spends a day at the Body Farm among the other BF geeky scientists. I'd love to see Gil get down and geeky with his entomologist friends while they try to decide if some of the "donations" died of natural causes or were murdered. I see a Gil roadtrip!
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Yeah I would like more "reopening cases" episodes too. That always makes it kind of interesting. There are some story lines they can dig out a little deeper..

And definitly more Lady Heather.. Bring her back and kick Grissom's ass. And please set Sara free from him :)
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

But if they brought Lady Heather back it would be a bit cruel on Gris and Sara, I dont wanna see Sara upset :(

I just want more Brass, ill be happy with more of him. :lol:
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I love Sara but she's a big girl, she can handle it. I'm a little biased though since Lady H is my girl! :p

I didn't read all 6 pages, but apparently I want the same thing a lot of you do: More humor, more of the actual cast (I'm starting to forget what most of them look like), and more interesting cases. Or, in short, I want the old CSI back. It used to be I was counting down the days to a new ep, now it's like "Oh yeah. CSI is on. I guess I'll watch."

Oh, this is strictly my opinion (duh) but no more random GSR scenes. I don't hate the ship, but if they're going to bring it up it should at least fit with the episode i.e. “Ending Happy”. I'm still wondering what the hell the point of that scene was where Sara found that letter Gris had written…
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Did you guys catch that news item with a quick reference to filming in San Francisco? I sense a Grissom-Sara flashback coming on. I mean, what guy losing his gal wouldn't think about the first time they met?

My wish: I hope I'm right.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

^ Yeah, I read that. :p I'd like some more Sara backstory, we've only had a couple of eps about it. I don't know. :rolleyes:
They also said about filming in London! How friggin' awesome. Although Stratford upon Avon's a much nicer place to film. :lol: Doctor Who thought so. :p (It's where I live btw. ;))

In the same news item they also mentioned a season 9.
So my wish for Season 8 is a season 9. :lol: Sort of, I mean, if they had more stories and things. Repeating stuff would be dreadful, and only if they keep the whole cast. :S
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I'll certainly put Gil on a fieldtrip to London for an episode. Put it on my wishlist. I have my doubts though because CM talked about it several years ago and nothing came of it then. I would rather he go alone but it would be funny if he took Sofia and her English accent exploded all over. I can just see the Gil "WTF" look on his face.

I'd like to see the show get it's guts back and get to season nine but the way seven went, I hope I'm wrong, eight may be the last. Seven had way too much repetition.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

spankme said:

-It needs new writers who are not writing for the 12 year old mind. This is an adult show and must be treated that way. If they're attracting the kiddy-winkies the show is doing something seriously wrong

Amen. Specially the part of the current writers belittling their audience. All along the MSCK there were plotholes larger than the Grand Canyon. When you sit there and know what the CSIs so obvioulsy are missing, it just pisses me off. (e.g. the fine print that cannot be attained other than with special printing (costly) measures, special miniatures and no one looked up where you could get the items?) Are they trying to sell me the idea that a janitor has the money to buy that stuff in that amount? Please! The culprit would have been nailed after the first scene was discovered if any of the CSIs had used logic and googled at least. No more of that stupidity please. bring the brains back and drop the insipid romancing. It's just plain stupid and cheap.

Of course, it's easier to write an inane romance and make it dramatic that actually figure out and write a credible crime-story. Ad S7s reheated crap was just too much for a part of the audience. I doubt they will come back and if it continues like it has in S7 - I gather a lot more will drop the stupidity and look at something like DHW instead.

I know that if Sara survives, I'm leaving CSI for good, just like I didn't watch the majority of this season's stupid eppys. I can have awkward, juvenile romance on most soaps, I don't need it on CSI!
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I don't know if this is true but I just read on CSI Files that Fox is listed as being in the first five epis. If this is true, unless she's in a five episode coma culminating in Death in epi five then I'm gone for good too. I also didn't watch many of season seven epis. Sorry, but my wishlist includes the death of Sara or her leaving Vegas for parts unknown. Unfortunately that will leave us with an even more depressed Gil. Gahhhhd! I feel me leaving even as I type and I don't want it to happen.

I did something this year I have never done and I wrote the bosses at CSI telling them why they made a huge mistake this season. Who knows if they would pay attention? Not me anymore.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

My wishlist:

I dont want the team to know about GSR.

I want LH back. She freaking rocks my socks!

Most of all I wish this ended with sara *I hate to say this* dead, and during the autopsy we find out she is pregnant. Ok this might sound too soapy, but not if its done right.

Um, also it wouldnt hurt to have one of the male csis topless.
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