Season 8 Wishlist

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Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I think the thing is that they chop and change the time of the week all the time with CSI, you never really know what day/week it is, so they can fit everything into 40 mins. So because of that they miss out of lot, and we hear snippets of what's going on, like Warrick and Tina's marriage, you heard about it briefly, then they moved on.

Also they did follow up on Nick's storyline, he had a whole episode, ie Gum Drops. That's a lot more than usual for the show.

Sometimes they clear up things during the show. Like in Empty Eyes, they showed how much it affected Sara, then they moved on in the next episode.
Brass was shown getting a tatoo in the next episode after his shooting, I guess that was his way of dealing with it, and perhaps that's all the writers thought they needed to show us.

My point, they just don't have time to go into detail, it's a fast paced show, and that's why I love it so much. If they went into more detail, I'm not sure I'd enjoy it so much. I like the "OMG did he really just say that" *rewind* -ness of it all. :lol:

I don't know, that's just my take.

As for the GSR, I can see why people might think they were uncomfortable in the earlier seasons, because they were MEANT to be. Things were awkward between G and S, Snakes is a perfect example, but I won't go into that. :rolleyes: :p
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

The cast did not walk off the set. They all reported as there were supposed to. Billy was checked by the company doctor and they found he had some sort of heart issue, possibly caused by stress of what was happening, and he had to take time off on doctor's orders. I'm sure he did tell the ptb to hire them back but it was still touch and go. It was stupid stunt to get a raise, not unlike refusing to film your death scene.

It was Billy, in the first season, who had everyone over on Sunday to watch football and baseball. He wasn't married then, of course. That was the last I read any reference to his having them over. They may, or may not still do that.

Billy and Jorja have worked together for seven years and if they're not comfortable by now they never will be. I too see the lack of comfort between them in their "romantic" scenes together. Compare them to Gil and Catherine and it becomes apparent. Billy is completely comfortable with Marg and vice versa and it shows both on and off screen. Off screen you never see Billy with Jorja except in a CSI grouping and then they never touch or talk to each other in anything other than a distant way. Even in the pictures of them they are not touching, other than leaning against each other.

My wishlist wish is no more of this non-romance. Neither are comfortable with the other and it shows very clearly.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I can't recall any times right now that Marg and Billy have been seen off set without it being a group either. Also don't GE, GD and JF all stay in LA when they aren't filming, whereas Billy goes to Chicago, and Marg is busy with other projects I think, but I'm not sure.

Notice I haven't mentioned any shipping in my post, if you've read the first post in this thread, it says that we aren't meant to. There is a ship debate thread in the Shipper forum though. Where people would happily debate with you ok?
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Actually the time I was speaking of, was when he was married, & they all got together at his house, with him and Gina.. and Marg and her hubby are football fanatics, and both live fairly close, Billy In Hancock Park [L.A.] and Marg in Santa Monica, and Billy and Gary go to Dodger games in L.A.[L.A. Times newspapaer] This was recently I was speaking of...... and Billy's heart condition was at the beginning of S/5, not connected, the two issues! of them 'supposedly getting fired'! I'd also like to see Cath finally find someone ;) and stop getting hooked up with the wrong guys! and she's comfortable with Gil, because their 'friends' and work closely, but he works well, and has good camraderie with all of them, especially Sara, in my opinion!
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

*coughs* Sorry to butt in, but I personally think that all of the actors get along great! As mentioned before, there's been a lot of time to get to know each other and get together. I think they're quite comfortable together. But for my wishlist...*pulls scroll from back pocket*

Dear TPTB,

My Season 8 wishlist is not too different from others, but action comes in numbers, eh? First order of business...SAVE OUR SARA!! My goodness, I'm only 15 and I swear I'm developing heart problems from the anxiety and wait for her fate. I refuse to believe that you'd kill her, but you never know in show business these days.

Second...give Greggo more time. Eric Szmanda is an excellent actor and deserves more time than 30 seconds an episode. I know there's been a couple that were based on him, and see how well he did! Give Mr. Szmanda the credit and time that he deserves.

Third...TPTB, you know better than to just drop off a story line. GSR needs to be recognized now that Grissom has professed his love for Sara to the entire team. I'd personally like it if it falters a little, and then blossoms, all happy-go-lucky so to say. Drama's my thing.

Fourth, even though I just said I liked drama, go back to more science. We've, the fans, have proven to you that we don't need fancy drama storylines every season to keep us excited and in check. But don't drop out of the excitement all together. Find that happy medium of both dimensions.

Fifth, I know it's a little early to be thinking about the Finale already, but please, please don't put anybody in danger this time. Three's a crowd, and the charm. Enough's enough of the peril for the season finale. We'll come back in September of 2008, we promise.

Sixth, Did I mention Sara already? Make sure to save her. My mom will be heart-broken if I die from grief over a television character.

Seventh, Okay, we need to see one of the guys in the shower. We've seen Cath and we've seen Sara, and personally, shirtless isn't enough. PLEASE!! I'd be ecstatic with either Greg or Nick, but Warrick would be okay too. And no, Liev didn't count. You killed him off, remember?

Eighth,(almost done I promise) Get Catherine a guy, please! Jeez, I'm tired of her getting all the wrong guys. Divorced her, killed the ex, got her all puppy lovin for Keppler, killed him. For goodness sakes just get her a man to stop all the useless Cath drama!! Why didn't you send her on a sabbatical...

Ninth, NO MORE LADY HEATHER!!!!!. I'm on my hands and knees begging. She's made life difficult and awkward enough for me, Sara, and Grissom. I've had enough of her.

Tenth, Remember that Zephyr dude-magician-guy back in Season 3? And how the episode ended with him in the back of a cop car, pulling(what we presumed as) handcuff keys out of his mouth? Bring him back!!! He'd be a cool twisted storyline now. Five seasons later, tada! Back again, like his magic tricks! He was a cool, twisted character. I liked him very much and I'd very much enjoy another episode with him, taunting Grissom with mind games. That'd be cool.

Eleventh, So since you're saving Sara(you are saving her, correct? yes...) don't just focus in on her survival and recooperation mentally and physically. Turn again to everybody, have all of them try to lend a hand and go back to their own experiances on the job. Have Nick revisit "Grave Danger", Brass thinking over "Bang Bang/Way to Go", and Greg "Fannysmackin'" and "Play With Fire" for instance. Maybe use this as an oppourtunity for an intriguing ending for an early show in the season after Sara's found safe. A team/group talk and how they're still getting over it. That would be nice. We wouldn't want any accusations that it's the 'Poor Sara Sidle' show. That wouldn't be good.

Twelvth,(last one I promise!) You're saving Sara, right? Good.

I know I was a little greedy this season, TPTB, but I deserve it, right? Of course I do! We all do! So please, if not all, just do some of these. Thank you!


:D :D :D
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I wasn't talking ship in my post, just replying to the Clarrisani who said Billy and Jorja were uncomfortable with each other. That post was followed by a shipper's response from Desertwind. I don't intend to debate this issue here. Just responding to the uncomfortable aspect.

Marg and Billy appear together fairly frequently when they are at awards and promotions. Their comfort with each other is apparent. I would love to see Gil and Cath back to the comfortable friends they have been for the first six seasons. Gil and Cath at the movies was a classic episode.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

^ Sorry it wasn't just to you. There is a lot of ship bashing towards GSR in this thread, which is fine, and I understand if you don't like something you want to tell the world lol, but we pro GSRers aren't allowed to post back to anyone and defend our ship, because that's considered debating. You see? If it was the other way around, then things would be different.

I miss the Grillows friendship too btw. I'd like to see more of it next season as well. :)

ETA: Sorry, I completely forgot to say something. :lol: Butterflied I think that's the best wish list ever. :lol: And I agree with below, (which messes with my mind, because she's posted after me. :rolleyes:) you really should send it to TPTB! Maybe Rambo? :p
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Very nicely done, ButterFlied92. You should write all the up and actually send it to them! There are a few of us expressing our desire for more scientific, team related storylines, and, in my case, at least one of the guys wet. :devil:
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

eggbe4thechicken said:
^ Sorry it wasn't just to you. There is a lot of ship bashing towards GSR in this thread, which is fine, and I understand if you don't like something you want to tell the world lol, but we pro GSRers aren't allowed to post back to anyone and defend our ship, because that's considered debating. You see? If it was the other way around, then things would be different.
Actually it doesn't matter what ship it is, it also doesn't matter if you're for or against a ship, everyone is entitled to their opinion as everyone is entitled not to agree with it, you want to mention "I like [insert ship name] and would like to see them together" thats just stating you're opinion. But at the sametime others have the right to say "I don't care for [insert ship name] and don't want to see anything more about it".

This isn't a debate thread for any or against any ship and it should never be used for it (NOT saying you said this) as you said debating should be done in the SC thread for it. As to mentioning of shipping in the first post it asks not to get "Too Shippy" meaning just don't go over board (ie like debating, etc).

Hopefully I haven't confused you with this. But I want to make sure everyone understands this, and bringing it up like that makes it possible for use to explain it. ;)
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I think the cast is all comfortable with each other, didn't Billy once say that he hopes to kiss Jorja before the show ends? And he's one of the producers, pro GSR, if he wasn't comfortable with her, he would try to change it, no?

I'm not debating the actual romance, really, I do that enough in shipper central... :rolleyes:

Anyway, I know I already added my list, but after re-watching season 1, then re-watching season 7, I'm begging PLEASE bring Greg back. I don't mean just show him more, I mean give him back his personality! Where did it go? I mean, I'm sure this season has affected him a lot, but please don't turn him into a depressed emo kid. He's funny, he's good at being funny, stop giving all the good one liners to Hodges, just because he replaced Greg in the lab doesn't mean he needs to replace him as the comic relief, too...
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

gregslabmouse said: Anyway, I know I already added my list,
Everyone is allowed to amend their lists if they feel they would like to add something more to it, if you're edit time runs out, or its just plain been awhile then just add it by posting again. ;)
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

WOW got some good 'wishes' there.

I'm not going to debate my ship wishes, *done that already*
but I do have to say I agree with almost everything you stated Butterflied92 :) Let me elaborate...

-yes, LESS CATH DRAMA (as much as I love her, less is sometimes more... if you know what I mean)
and get her a man, I agree, I have a man in mind, but again, for the ship thread

-yes, more science and forensics. I said this last year I think, more episodes like Blood Drops and A Bullet Runs Through It more police/forensics

-on a personal level, some follow up to all the ordeals the CSI's have been going through lately. Nicky, Cath and Lindsey,Greg,Brass and now Sara. I like to see glimpese into peoples lives, just to let us know that they are human and do the same things in their lives as we do such as eat, sleep, hobbies, etc...
anyway, some mention of some follow up would be nice just to let us know that they were affected by said ordeal
did that make sense?
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I think you mistake ship bashing with those of us who totally dislike GSR and want it gone. It's more that ship bashing because the ship you love so much has destroyed our favourite show, our Bugman, and driven CSI to number six.

This is a wishlist for everyone and not just for GSRs. If you had wanted everyone to agree with GSR in the wishlist it should have been included in the title it is for GSR only. I find it interesting you took me to task and invited me to go to another ship thread and then you put in a huge compliment for Butterflie's total shippy post. You say pro-GSRs aren't allowed to post back to anyone. In my experience nothing can stop the GSRs from swarming anyone who dares post against it. There is maybe one site left on the net where people who are devoted to Gil and CSI can meet anymore and we still get swarmed by GSRs.

You may take my wish that GSR be gone for good and we get the wonderful Gil back as bashing but I take it as wanting to save CSI to live again at the top of the ratings.
-It needs to return to it's roots as a procedural crime drama with lots of interesting plots and special effects.
-GSR must be gone
-It needs to lighten up again.
-It needs new writers who are not writing for the 12 year old mind. This is an adult show and must be treated that way. If they're attracting the kiddy-winkies the show is doing something seriously wrong
-No romance between lead characters.
-More Brass because he's a hoot.
-more Gil and Catherine friendship momemts
-more Warrick featured epis. He's been totally wasted
-more Nick because he's, well, Nick
-no more special guest stars - they've been a failure
-no more miniatures - a season of that has put me completely off my Sims2
-they have 15 producers - too many at the table, cut five
-Gil goes on a trip like Jackpot - he was wonderful working on his own
-dress Gil up like he did in the first several seasons. Leather jackets, nice shirts, suits - so heavenly. Burn anything that vaguely looks Hawaiian
-keep Bruno because he and Gil look so good together - chemistry in that relationship at least
-no soap scripts
-more humour
-better corpses
-that lovely, finely clipped beard back - he looks so spicy with it
-make this last season a Brass dream sequence while he was in a coma from the bullet
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

spankme said:
-dress Gil up like he did in the first several seasons. Leather jackets, nice shirts, suits - so heavenly. Burn anything that vaguely looks Hawaiian

Amen to that. Grissom was so hot in the early seasons. Then he just stopped dressing well. I have a very good idea as to why.

I think what the writers need to do is sit down and rewatch season 2. That season just plain worked. They need to get that old spice back where the cases were interesting, the team mixed and matched, and you didn't sit in fear knowing that there is no way of getting through the episode without having yet another unnecessary GSR scene in there somewhere.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

good job ;)ButterFlied92 and well put, I agree with almost everything you said ;) I love that CSI has grown, and improved, and moved to a higher and a different level in their stories, and if it was the same as 'back when' boring :rolleyes: I loved S/7, riveting, and I have high hopes that the writers will keep on keeping on ;)

PS. I highly recommend that you ButterFlied92 send this to the CSI writers, "ATTENTION CAROL MENDELSOHN" you speak very well, about what the majority of fans want.. go for it! I vote that you do :D
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