Season 8 Wishlist

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Re: Season 8 Wishlist

S'all opinion thought ain't it! Whatever TPTB do/did they were/are gonna get grief. If my ship of choice was cannon then catnip/yobling/gsr would be pissed with the writers. It's pretty much a lose/lose situation for 'um! Not that I feel sorry for them, I haven't enjoyed S7 much really lol. Everyones entitled to thier opinions right?! We'll just have to wait and see eh? :D
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

jtd94 said:
I can't believe anyone would want to dump the GSR. It has added depth to the characters and just the right amount of romance and levity to the show. The writers have done a great job of keeping it in the backgroung and yet making it a central theme of the last season. I love their scenes together! If you go back and rewatch the shows, it is fun to see them mature and form a solid relationship. I think Grissom and Sara understand each other better than anyone and they make a great team. In fact, I think it would be fun to find out that maybe they are already married!!
That would be fun !
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Haha, okay, it's one thing to make us suspend reality and just assume they've been together for about a year prior to Way To Go. It's another to suddenly find them married! Then the show would've jumped the shark, IMO. I didn't find their relationship reveal in WtG believable at all, but that's another discussion.

My hopes for Season 8 would be something along the lines of raw video. And when I say "raw", I mean, the look of the early seasons where the production value wasn't so high that everything and everyone came off as shiny and glossy. I miss the roughness of those early seasons. The brightly lit halls of the lab, the microscopes that looked like kid toys, all of it. Even the breakroom is dark and somewhat depressing now. Haha, I know that'll never happen, but it would be nice to have a little "throwback" episode or something.

I enjoy Jerry Brucheimer shows and the time and effort it takes to whip out what I call "television movies" every 8 days or so, but sometimes it's just too polished. Almost like there is too much focus on the look and style and not enough time spent on the show itself, if I made any sense.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

More continuity - absolutely. For the last two years CSI has been treated as if the previous five didn't exist. People don't get buried alive, shot, see a father and an ex die, daughters kidnapped, etc, etc, and act the next day like nothing happened. It needs to be mentioned at the very least.

Bruno - a star in the making. All the chemistry missing between the two people in that room was made up for Billy and Bruno, peas in a pod, master and faithful friend.

Yes I want to dump GSR. It is hideously portrayed and consuming the air in the room. A supervisor should not be dating, let alone anything else personal or intimate, a subordinate. If there is any relationship they should not work together on any case, particularly when one of the parties has a known substance problem, because it may taint the cases. Besides, when Billy Petersen can't get the chemistry up in what is supposed to be a romantic scene there is a big problem. He certainly had the old magic when facing LadyH again.

I don't want a season of weeping, whining, mourning Gil. The writers have chopped off his goulies enough this year. I want the smart, sexy, bugman back. Let's send him back to Jackpot to recuperate and then they could treat Sara's demise as they do all other world shaking events in the CSI's lives - ignore it as if it never happened.

CSI was running for the sandpit at the end of season six and season seven jumped the shark big. It's true that whatever direction the Powers take it there are sharks in droves circling the show and, chances are, most won't be happy.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Damn right Alien, Brass kicks ass. Love the man. Go Paul, his comedic timing is outstanding.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

gregslabmouse said:
Make Greg happy and fun again. And more of nick/Greg chemistry. Romantic or not, they go good together, I miss that...

I completly agree, one of the most fun things about the first four seasons were the scene between Nick & Greg because they were always so funny together, we need that again, Greg has yet to work as case with Nick (just their own case not including the rest of the team)

I also want more funny eps like Rashomama, Ending Happy.

broken record here but please just end GSR so the rest of us can enjoy watching again.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Ita, I actually prefered Greg when he was in the lab but I spose he hadta get outta there sometime right? He was just so cute and funny back then. Bring him back.

And yeah, to reinforce, please make GSR stop. *begs* Sorry GSR'ers, no offence meant.

Definatly more funny episodes.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Oh I agree. I think Greg was very funny when back in the lab, id like to see more of that, of more of his sense of humour, he is alot more serious now, and changed a bit. Perhaps grown up.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I totally agree with you... :lol:....not that I don't like Greg out in the field, but he was more entertaining as a lab rat. *personal opinion though* AND...I am not willing to give HODGES up either!!
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I do not want to see Greg back in the lab. He can still have his humor outside the lab and that is something I wish to see more of this coming season.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

LOL...hey, to each their are entitled to your opinion of not liking him, honestly....but wouldn't the lab have a empty hole without a personality like his?? :lol: especially seeing Greg is out in the field and doesn't show the signs of being placed back in there? :)
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Hodges kicks ass! I'd like to see more of the Lab techs myself. Lab Rats was an excelent ep.
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