Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

Wow, I can't believe I didn't notice this sooner. I saw that picture from tv guide, and it looks like the car that Sara is under is on the flatbed of that truck. Is it?
Yeah that looks like Sara's mustang there... Depending on the timeline of the ep, either Sara's not there or events are finally catching up to Gris during the investegation and he's having a breakdown. He looks worried in that image... BAH I can't wait for the new ep!

And that is SO sasquach on the mountain side hehehe!
They probably found the car, but Sara wasn't there, so Grissom's making an "oh no Sara's gone, this is horrible" face. And yes, that is definitely a sasquatch, haha.
Just FYI. The caption of one of the pics (the Grissom one) actually says that they find the car, but no sign of Sara.

And just a small reminder to those who are dying for new promo photos...I'm sure people will post new photos as soon as they spot them. There is really no need to keep asking. ;)
New promo out. Sara gets hit with rain and the car is filling up fast.

The promos get worse and worse for Sara everytime.

Jesus when is it going to be the 27th??!?
Yeah, it's looking like she gets out of the car while it's being carried away in a torrent of water. Least she gets out hehe.
Unless she dies in the water and it takes her down stream or carries her away, so her body could be a couple miles away.
Only looking at both sides here. I dont want it to happen obviously but so many possibilities
Sara, Sara, you naughty little girl. Look what situation you are in!

*clears throat* *is serious* I hope they save her.