Also, wouldn't Rashomama have been after she and Grissom got together if they have been "intimate" for two years? (Was that season 6? I forget.) Anyway, someone else pointed out that what Sara said was that she was not anti-marriage, she's anti-stupid. I think the overdone wedding was just not her style.
but she also made a comment about marriage making the female property exchange between men, the father and the husband. I took that anti-stupid to mean she thought marriage was stupid.
As a miami fan, i will feel cheated if she does not get killed off. The actor who played Speed wanted to leave in a way so he could come back and guest star...but they refused and killed off his character. They did the same with Aiden on New York. So I kind of think its only fair to kill sara off, although it would be nice for her to come back...
Plus it does make good storylines when killing off characters, a la miami's eppy tonight...