Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 1

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Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

If they go to a "swing shift", I think this will be the solution to the problem of Grissom and Sara being a couple. They still will be at CSI and "work" together, but Catherine will be her "supervisor", thus avoiding the conflicts.

I can see why they are not saying much about any of the G/S scenes because it would take away from the season opener. Personally, I am all for being a little surprised!!

Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I'm just hoping that IF they do the two-team format again, they'll do it a little differently. It's not a bad way to split up Sara and Grissom- this way neither of them are fired- but I'm worried that it would split up the team, as well. It would be the same people working together over and over and they wouldn't always get the same interaction they do when they're one team. I don't mind if Sara and Grissom have to work apart because it's the ethical thing to do, but maybe if they do it this time they can make it so that some people from swing shift work with people from graveyard on big cases. Of course, this was only an opinion in the first place, so I'm not going to be too worried.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

They could just make Catherine supervisor of nightshift. They are all the same level CSI accept for Greg. So everyone could stay on the same team and it would not matter if G/S worked together then. I actually like when they work together not just when they have GSR scenes. A huge part of their chemistry is when they work cases together.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I say split the team but... keep them on the same shift :lol:

Its simple Catherine still maintains a supervisor roll though its only officially when Grissom can not be around, so make them officially Co supervisiors, and then split them only as to who is in charge, Grissom and Catherine still talk and basically hand out assignments no clashing or borrowing of a member (as they are all still a team) the titles are just what they are co leaders, we know they work well together so...

Catherine gets Sara and Nick
Grissom gets Warrick and Greg

Just my thought but since the idea of the team splitting up was based on an opinion from a spoiler that could mean something totally different thats all I can give. :)
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Yeah it's all just speculation at this point, we don't know.

But IMO the only way it can work with 7 CSI's is with the team split (Like when Sofia was a CSI), however I could be wrong and I hate the thought of the teams splitting again.

Also though, when the spoilers Say Vivian Lee joined LV lab beacuse it's the busiest lab in the country, it made me think back to Chandra Moore who was the new DNA tech in Viva Las Vegas. She came to LV for the same reason and she did not stick around long. Mayve it will be the same with Vivian.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

So Sara lives :) That makes me feel alot happier. I don't think I want the team split again, and the way it sounds, they are going to have Sara less again :mad: if thats the case, then I'm not going to be as interested in this season just as I wasn't last season. :rolleyes:
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

AlwaysGSR12 said:
So Sara lives :) That makes me feel alot happier. I don't think I want the team split again, and the way it sounds, they are going to have Sara less again :mad: if thats the case, then I'm not going to be as interested in this season just as I wasn't last season. :rolleyes:

what did you expect with the GSR storyline? :rolleyes: Sara's only purpose on the show is now to be Grissom's gf...that is one of the reasons i am against it, it ruins her character.

This season is sounding worse and worse. I don't like bringing in new characters to cover up Grissom's absence, and it looks like they are going to ruin more character interaction because of the GSR...great..its like they are trying to drop the ratings.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Is Vivian's last name Lee or Holstein? (That squeely spoiler said Holstein, it would be cool to have a Holstein, well a Lee also, but as far as I know no one in all of csi-characters, I mean are Jewish, so it would just randomly add some variety- not meaning to be biased in any way btw)

Splitting the shift...I like what Destiny said...I want the team to stay together. As to political repricussions of Gris and Sara, I have no opinion at the moment, cause I want to wait and see if she lives first, then I'll think about it.
I also would greatly prefer that they stay on nights, as opposed to swing. It adds sooo much to the show, the night aspect. Gives it a darker quality.

^^All of the above is my opinion only...
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Ok, I have been positve Sara will come out alive, until now. And I am not saying I think she will die, but now that I think of it, there is more evidence that supports her dying...

I'll explain in just a minute but first I would like to know if anyone here has a good reason or spoiler or anything that really supports she's going to live. I personally have been going on my gut feelings, but now I'm starting to wonder.. So, if anyone can show me a spoiler that pretty much implies Sara will be around, please tell me and then I will feel more at ease...
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I didn't see anything, it's just what alot of people seem to think, and I know that she is credited for 8x01, but I think that possibly from that it became a giant speculation that grew wings and was treated as if its a spoiler. correct me if I''m wrong.

What causes you to think that she will die?
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Ok. Awesome. And who is Detective Holstein? I do not object to a new detective, not at all, but I REALLY want Vartann back! (And Vega, and even Cavelliere...)
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

If she dies then Grissom will be despressed and I dont want that.
Like i said above if they make Catherine supervisor of nightshift, she wants to be a supervisor anyway. Grissom/Sara are the same level CSI, level 3, and if Catherine becomes supervisor doing evaluations and such there is no reason to keep Sara in the background and just Grissom's gf (that pissed me off in Season 7 Sara is a great character in her own right).
If they do this the team will be together and pretty much going back to the early season dynamics which I preferred with the exception that Catherine is the supervisor.
I want my primary team back, not new people to mess it up and take screentime away from them.
Plus Grissom and Sara are great on cases together like the episode "Blood Lust" or "Coming of Rage"
and I like when Sara and Warrick do cases like "Meat Market" or "Forever"
basically I want THE team not new people.
If they bring in new people and stop using Sara and Grissom and break the team up I may just stop watching.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

pabzi said:
I didn't see anything, it's just what alot of people seem to think, and I know that she is credited for 8x01, but I think that possibly from that it became a giant speculation that grew wings and was treated as if its a spoiler. correct me if I''m wrong.

What causes you to think that she will die?

Well.. she is definitely in episode one, where she will be found. From the spoilers we have for episode 2, neither her nor Grissom are mentioned at all. But it is episode 3 spoilers that have got my attention.

Ok, I wish I could say the exact lines, but I'll do what I can.

During one of the scenes with Cath and Vivian, they are explained to be in the hallway to the morgue which is filled with dead bodies. And right after Vivian says something, the stage directions say "off Sara." That is the only mention of Sara at all since the frist episode where everyone is looking for her.

And then you think about, we have got no real info on Sara living at all. And it could end up that they find her in episode 1, she spends episode two in the hospital (Wojo's idea) and loses her battle and that's when we see her in the morgue.

Not everything makes sense, but like I said, right now there is more evidence that supports she dies, rather than lives. I may just be crazy, but what do you guys think?
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Sara does get mention on the second episode. Sara and Grissom working on the non-case investigation. You probably won't see them much.
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