Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 1

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Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I've given up on ever seeing my favourite characters get a good storyline.

The GSR is extension of Les Moonves ego.

Catherine gets the next dose of screentime.

Greg gets the next dose.

Warrick and Nick-their simply furniture now.

So I'm probably not going to bother watching. This show is a shell of itself.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

*Looks around thinks to self "Oh lord don't make us have to jump in here, its too freaking early for the possible..
high octane-my opinion-looks like debating-arguing-simple talking-we switch to often to confuse ourselves and the mods-keeps it interesting-until the mods catch on and were in trouble...
type of discussion that will only give your nice moderators headaches and require us to remind folks of the rules of the thread 'sigh' we so do not want to go there. Starts to walk out turns and says outloud...*

Well here is hoping y'all have a nice day. :D
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I'm curious about this season. Personally, I greatly enjoyed most of season 7, far more than season 6.

Some of the things I've been hearing through the spoiler grapevines have frightened me. That said, I'm going to give it a go. I almost gave up on CSI during season six, but Roshamama and Bang Bang pulled me back in. I decided, if the end of the season could be sooo good after the rest of it being rather mediocre, in my opinion, then maybe it was worth giving season 7 a fair chance before jumping to conclusions. I will never be happier that I did that, because I really enjoyed season 7.

Season 8 is a gamble, in my mind. I think they brilliantly handled the finale by placing the emphasis on Natalie more than anything else. That way, it wasn't a complete rehash of Grave Danger. And while I still believe Grave Danger is one of the best episodes (two episodes, whatever) on television, I do believe it's hard to change the "Main Character in Danger" storyline up too much. Tarantino was brilliant, but that's why we like him! He brought in this beautiful reasoning and almost lack of meaning that lended the human element to the finale of season 5.

Season 7 ended with an emphasis on this broken woman, and I loved following her and learning her reasoning, and seeing the world from inside her head.

The season opener will be a pace/mood setter for the rest of the season, and hopefully TPTB are aware of that. In my opinion, the finale absolutely rocked. So, I'm a little more frightened than I, perhaps, should be that the opener can't possibly live up to the hype.

There are very few instances of season openers being as explosive as season enders where a cliffhanger is concerned. I can think of very few off the top of my head, and most are Star Trek related. (Best of Both Worlds, Basics) It's hard ot live up to the hype of a spectacular finale. So many shows just fall short.

The rumblings in the threads are interesting, and the prospects exciting. That said, I am with the crew that would like to see Nick and Warrick get some more time. I've always been a great fan of their relationship and their characters. If you go way back when, I still remember them tossing a football back and forth while trying to solve a mystery using Grissom's "trinity." Their dynamic was slightly competitive, but more friendship-oriented. It was something Tarintino caught perfectly in Grave Danger. I do miss that.

Whatever comes, the rumblings online say Sara's back, and everyone else appears to be signed on for the year. As for a WAT crossover, I've never been a fan of the show. I'm not anti-WAT, but the crossover won't mean nearly as much to me as it does to someone who watches both shows. It's like when Pretender and Profiler crossed... I was so frickin confused!

Anyway, bring on season 8. I'm braced for impact.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Alyssa, I hope that people here follow your post example. What I mean is, I know that you are GSR, but your post had nothing to do with GSR, you posted about your opinion on spoilers, which is a very very very good thing and what everyone should be doing here.

I'm looking quite forward to sason 8. CSI is still CSI, meaning, I don't see it as having changed for the worst or anything. It has it's ups and downs like any other show.

I never saw WAT...that eems to be an almost definate spoiler...maybe I'll go rent a WAT DVD (if there are any) to see what I think of it in advance.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I agree with Eszmanda luver and Pabzi.
I was thinking, these people are starting a fight?
Everybody might be a somebody's fan, but please be controlled yourself, at least in this thread.
I honestly couldn't believe that someone actually mentioned that he/she hates my guy,
the only reason I watch CSI. *sad*
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

This whole thing is so funny. Eszmanda luver doesn’t understand why everyone is always fighting? Well it may be because this is a GENERAL spoiler thread but all the Greg fans want to do is talk about Greg only, and not the show in general. There ARE other spoilers out there but you would never know it by his fans. There is Brass questioning the guy in the junkyard, and finding out where the car is. There is Nick pinpointing the search area, and Catherine questioning the security guard ect. Like I said earlier, finding Sara will be a team effort, but I don’t see any Greg fans talking about that. Almost all I heard from the start of the thread was Greg, Greg, Greg and Greg only. Plus when I pointed out that it would be a team effort to find Sara – you know a general type of comment - WOJO told me to relax. Why just because I pointed out nicely that there were other characters involved in the episode too? All I said was that Greg was not alone in finding Sara – which he is not- and I got a snippy rely. That is the kind of thing that upsets people!

I get that Greg fans are happy (and good for them that they are) but if the ONLY thing they are willing to talk about is Greg, and not the show in general, then I can see why people may get tired of it. Most of us are here because we want to talk about ALL of CSI and not just one character, and when someone goes on and on about only one subject in a general thread they can have a tendency to upset other members. As NEGU said “Everybody might be a somebody's fan, but please be control yourself, at least in this thread.” That goes for Greg fans too. Maybe not everyone cares that much about Greg, and they have the right to say it if they don’t. If Greg fans have the right to say that they hope that Greg gets a love interest then other members have the right to say that they hope that he doesn’t. Whenever you voice your opinion there will be others who don’t agree with you, and if you can’t handle someone not agreeing with your view then maybe you could not voice it.

So yes Eszmanda luver Greg fans (or fans of any character for that matter) have the right to say that they are excited for their favorites, but everyone else has the right to say they don’t’ give a damn!!

Oh and NEGU I sooooooo can believe that someone mentioned they don’t like Greg. I know lots of people who don’t; just like I know I know lots of people who don’t like the other characters on the show too. No one character on CSI is universally liked. That is just the way it is.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I've never seen one like this case. You're starting the fight, don't you see it? Who are you? You made new ID to start argue and hide yourself? I mainly stick my foot on threads related to Eric, but sometimes I come here to get fresh info and I saw someone bashed my guy and I defended it. I tell you, I posted my thought FIRST on this thread. So what? According your theory my opinion goes on the same like you told. I swear, If everyone had been like you, this thread would have gone like a living hell. So keep your dislikes in your own mind at least in this thread.

I know you don't like my guy, actually you hate my guy and bashed it to the public forum where everybody can see it. I fully understand. I'm not suggesting to change your tastes. Just care other people who love what you're bashin' now. At least I don't comment where there are other people in proudly presenting my jealousy madly on fire. The people just loved the guy, even though you couldn't bear or agree with it. You didn't see it and were making Greg fans looked selfish but alas, they didn't put their all thoughts on posts for just one guy. They actually cared CSI, and cared other cast members. You might just have wanted to remove all Greg fans out but you know, it's just your selfish hope.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I have enough of this, can someone please tell me where I started the fight in my post? Did I insult someone or did I say something off topic?

You know what the problem is?
Not the people who are saying that they dislike a character or a storyline, but the people who come in here and tell us to calm down or to say “You guys make me laugh (inwardy) so hard. Everytime up come here, you guys are fighting about something else.” or another quote “So keep your thought in your own mind.”

You allege that we started a fight, please tell me where we started a fight. We had a discussion and everyone has a different opinion. Everything was fine until some of you tell us to calm down and keep our thoughts to our on mind.

And NEGU I was the one who said that I hate Greg. I’m a Nick fan, but I know that there are a lot people who hate him, but do I say to these people "to keep your thoughts in your mind” only because they say something negative about him. NO, I don’t do this, because everyone has his own opinion.
You know I also don’t go around and tell people here to shut up, because I don’t want to here how happy they are about the spoilers, I’m just saying what I think about the spoilers and when some people don’t like to hear that I hate Greg, GSR or certain storylines then it isn’t my problem.

So, it isn't necessary to tell us to calm down and stop fighting, because we weren't fighting. The problem is that some of you are not able to understand that not everyone loves Greg or other characters and some of you aren't able to distinguish between a fight and a discussion.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

You're not ashamed that you said about it. Alright.
There is so called the etiquette, guy. Why do you think that I was angered for.
"Hate" is definetly not the nice way to present your opinion. And you're proud of using this?
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Excuse me, Negu - don't point fingers because everybody is entitled to their feelings. I don't think it's for anybody here to tell others what they can't or cannot feel about a fictional character. Even less to tell someone they started a new nick to hide behind it in the same post that etiquette is brought forth. That is really not calming the waters.

I can't stand the new 'entitled' Greg either, if that's against some etiquette, so be it.

The only spoilers we've gotten are few and far netween but it seems it's suddenly all about Greg and his possible heroship and girlfriend. This after a very greg intense season. Are you really surprised some react to that?

I've said if before I wish GSR and Greg got their own little CSI spinn-off because I've had it with that trio. With the characters and with their fans telling others how to behave.

Greg is part of a team - no-one is a sole hero in CSI, never have been before and I doubt that will be the case this season. And yes. there are plenty out there that do not like the character, as there are people that do not like Nick, Warrick, Sara or Griss. And that is allowed. That's just life and the freedom of speech so often hailed.

Any new spoilers around yet? 801 is really one eppy I won't watch, is there really any hope for S8? Sounds to me like the first 5 eppys are to be forgotten, I hope the next will at least be watchable, but I doubt it. Too much damage has already been done.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

This is what I mean, did you actually read my post, because it seems to me that you only pick out the negative thing about Greg.

First off I’m not a guy, I’m a woman and it’s funny that you are talking about etiquette, because you are insulting me because of my opinion and ask me if I’m proud and that I should be ashamed of myself. And I’m sure you didn’t recognized, but you also insult CSI TIME for her opinion.

And yes I hate him and when I hate someone I use the word “hate”, this has nothing to do with “to be proud about something”.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Hey, the only reason I insulted you guys was that I was also insulted by your mentions. And hurted by that. Check the ealier post, CSI TIME said to me. It's so freaky. I already told my opinion about the "HATE" thing in public forum. And you guys don't want my opinion.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

NEGU said:
Hey, the only reason I insulted you guys was that I was also insulted by your mentions. And hurted by that. Check the ealier post, CSI TIME said to me. It's so freaky. I already told my opinion about the "HATE" thing in public forum. And you guys don't want my opinion.

You are as entitled to your opinion as anybody else - and that is the whole point.

Over and out. So sorry mods.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

NEGU, it's a difference to feel insulted by what someone said and to personally insult someone because of his opinion.

I checked CSI TIME 's post and I really can't find anything negative or a personal attack against you.

I'm also sorry mods, but I think I had to clarify some things here.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

HEY EVERYONE *I hate yelling* Please read!
Destiny said: *Looks around thinks to self "Oh lord don't make us have to jump in here, its too freaking early for the possible..
high octane-my opinion-looks like debating-arguing-simple talking-we switch to often to confuse ourselves and the mods-keeps it interesting-until the mods catch on and were in trouble...
type of discussion that will only give your nice moderators headaches and require us to remind folks of the rules of the thread 'sigh' we so do not want to go there. Starts to walk out turns and says outloud...*

Well here is hoping y'all have a nice day. :D
Now I posted that several up and apparently the debate not only kept up but going some more fuel on the fire, guess what I have the extinguisher *Dumps cold water on everyone* now chill out. See the following rules.

Board Rule: Flamming & or Trolling

Thread rules: On page one/post one
Opinions and Arguments (heck review them all to be safe).

Apologies excepted, just remember guys we all want the samething and were here for the same reasons and with spoilers being short on info or what have you tensions will run, its how you handle it that matters.
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