Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 1

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Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Well S_Bright ,this love intrest thing is just spoeculation at this point not an actual spoiler. And IF Greg gets a love intrest why does that have to mean Nick & Warrick get ignored? There is plentty of room for everyone to get some type of arc. Why get upset by something that may not even happen, if we let ourselves do that will will drive ourselves crazy. I too want to see some drama for Nick and especially Warrick,who's been ignored alot the past few seasons. I'd also like to see him get rid of his ball and chain (aka Tina) and move on.

This is my opinion about the lack of spoilers and conflicting info:

IMHO TPTB are playing with us, releasing conflicting information and rumors. I seriously doubt that JF is leaving CSI but anything is possibe. Releasing stuff about a new character to make us think Sara is going to die. I mean do we know for sure that this Vivian person will be around for more than one episode? They are keeping a good secret here about Sara's fate and leaving fans confused, this is their plan, to make people want to tune in for season 8 because people are dying to know the answers. Clever pub stunt.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

S_Bright said:
GSR_Sara_Gil said:
I do not think 15 years is that bad either, plus Sara has been through a lot in her life, so it makes her seem older.
I agree either Nick or Greg needs a love interest maybe they fight over her. :)
*wincing* No no no! No soapy love-triangle, please!

I have to admit that to me the spoilers for S8 seem worse than ever. A new character when the show is already crowded? And a love-interest for Greg? That means another arc for him and nothing for Warrick or Nick as usual, what it is, the 4th season with hardly any Warrick screen-time and no arc in vision at all and 3rd without anything substantial for Nick?

CSI is clearly aiming for a much younger audience with this dropping of the science and picking up romane. Haven't they learned anything?

Nope, this is sadly not worth the time anymore. Now I can only hope someone brings a brand new, interesting show because the networks are full of soaps as is. *sigh*

Damn - I feel like making a eulogy-thread for the CSI that once was. The one with team-interaction and real-like cases. *sniffles*

Ok, see that's what I don't understand. Why do you assume Greg would get an arc because he gets a love interest? As I said before, when Warrick got a love-interest, who also happened to be his wife, he didn't really get anything, did he? So how can you assume that Greg will get one if he does get a love-interest?

Spoilers are spoilers. And most of the stuff mentioned here has been speculation anyway. And I think you are making too many assumptions and jumping to too many conclusions based on something as unstable as spoilers and speculations... I hope some spoilers come in that make you happy... or else you do find a show that better suits what you want..
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I have to agree with Wojo and Eszmanda_luver about the spoiler. Don't jump to conclusion about the spoiler about Greg get a love interest. Don't mean the writer may go or may not go that route. Spoiler is just spoiler, we just take a guess what's going to happen, but when the show start air on Sept. 27 then we can talk about it if the spoiler is right or not.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Once again though it is NOT a spoiler, it is only speculation.
IMO I think it's best if we just drop it and move on to actual spoilers... :D
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Plus Greg has had off-screen "love interests" in past seasons - remember the green-eyed beauty whose DNA he so romantically "bogarted"? :lol: And the one he was having the "I love you, I love YOU more..." smoochfest with on his cel phone? IF he gets a "love interest" it'll be as significant or insignificant to the show as the writers make it...
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I think we all need to remember that there are spoilers and foilers (fake spoilers). Maybe the name change in the 803 script from Sara to Catherine is just so we're thrown off the scent of what's really happening. Remember the season 6 finale? Only a few people actually knew that Grissom and Sara were going to be shown together in the end. Most people like Ausiello, for example, knew nothing of it and said that there would be no GSR and that it would all be about Brass when in reality, those 30 seconds of them together took all the spotlight away from Brass.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Does anyone else have a problem with the new character's name? Vivian Lee smacks of Scarlett O'Hara to me, and I swear, if there is even a hint of Gone With the Wind drama this season, I'm bailing. Ships don't bother me, I just want a deeper focus on the lab and the crimes. What I wouldn't do for an epi like Jackpot this season.

BTW, thanks to those of you who cite your spoiler sources and provide links when possible. I like to check the info out for myself before deciding what the spoilers might mean.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Unfortunately there are the fake spoilers out there and sometimes the ones that do have the sources (Ask Ausiello and E's Kristin Online) they tend to twist the spoilers sometimes.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I think we all need to remember that there are spoilers and foilers (fake spoilers). Maybe the name change in the 803 script from Sara to Catherine is just so we're thrown off the scent of what's really happening. Remember the season 6 finale? Only a few people actually knew that Grissom and Sara were going to be shown together in the end. Most people like Ausiello, for example, knew nothing of it and said that there would be no GSR and that it would all be about Brass when in reality, those 30 seconds of them together took all the spotlight away from Brass.
I agree to the first half of your post, but I'm not so sure about the season 6 finale part. I believe the last scene in WTG was kind of a last-minute decision (I'm not talking about GSR, I'm just talking about the scene) because even Jorja said she hadn't known about it until Carol Mendelsohn called her and asked for her opinion a couple of days before shooting. However, I definitely agree on the last sentence. Poor Brass. :(
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

wait i dont understand... is jorja fox deador alive season 8?
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

WE DON'T KNOW :confused: but according to a fan [who shall remain nameless] I don't want anyone to jump on my case, or get in my face, some spoiler's we aren't allowed to post here, but I got this from a reliable source, lets say.. and that's all I can say! but, that Sara is in ep. 2.. soo it look's like she's alive ;)
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

csi_pinoy said: wait i dont understand... is jorja fox deador alive season 8?
Okay gonna get picky for fun Jorja is alive Sara is in question. :lol: Alrighty done with my fun. :D

Apparently whether she lives or not is in question because some of the spoilers are saying she is in the first and second ep of the show. BUT there are some spoilers out there that not so sure on the second. It has to do with Jorja and her contract re-signing and when it came up apparently the powers that be found away not only to hold off what to do next with the character but also give a cliffhanger in the process. Honestly this just fell into their laps lol.

But I just want to add because I can, spoilers are subject to change and should be used as a guide to what could happen and not what necessairly will happen. That is never known until it airs.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Man, I have to say I LOOOOOVE spoilers. But I have never seen so much speculation, and so much he said/she said. I think lol, I'm just going to wait another month come back to this thread when there more to go on, :lol: till then I'll just start my countdown to NCAA Fooball.

Also I'll be in that corner hoping to hear about some really good Nick and Warrick spoilers (crossing her fingers)
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I think if they do add more romance than they already have, it may be to compete with Grey's Anatomy; they're the main show CSI is fighting with for ratings lately.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I found some more info on ep 803 Go to Hell...

Nick & Warrick watch a video with Archie which they at first believe is child porn but instead it's of a young girl who is believed to be possed by a demon, the tape is of a preacher performing an exorsism!

Also Grissom is mentioned in this episode, he comes accross a swarm of bees under a home's roof. That's all the details I have on this.

No mention of Greg or Sara.
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