Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**
Also having every single premier in one dumb is that?
A few years ago, Joey premiered on September 10th. Why is it that it seems like the seasons' starts are creeping closer and closer to October every year?
If I felt like they were cutting down on repeat time, I might be glad, but more and more it just seems like they're trying to stall to get more advertising in.
But it doesn't account for CSI's drop in Canada, we don't have TiVO, and the digital recorders that cable providers have are not that commen yet due to the price. And we can't watch the eppys on, it is only available to US citizens...
We do have DVRs, though, which do exactly the same thing as TiVo. Also, teen viewership has dropped over 2 hours per week in the past two years, and there has been an increase in the amount of Canadian content being viewed overall.
Canadians also have satellites in a huge percentage, Saskatchewan ironically having the highest number of satellite penetrations. People have hundreds - even thousands - of options now. Often the hottest, most talked-about shows are ones you have to pay for on specialty channels. And yes, CSI has gone down in Canada, but it typically retains the top spot or in the top 3, which says that all shows are down, just like in the states.
Episodes that are recorded with DVR still go into the ratings, I'm pretty sure.
Only if they're watched the same night. If you record CSI, but watch it Friday, it's not counted.