I wouldn't mind him sticking around...his character brings some interesting perspectives into the show. I am just stating my opinion when I say I don't think he will be sticking around. JW was just cast in a CBS pilot, which if picked up could pull him away from this role. I am just putting my opinion and this out there for discussion; which seems to have worked
As for the spoilers where I stated Cal doesn't recognize him, I guess I should have been more clear in the wording. No her not recognizing him doesn't mean physically but it is stated almost to that affect in the spoilers....it isn't an interpretation on my part. It is described that he is sitting there in front of her and she barely recognizes him.
When she says that she it has bee a long time since they have seen each other, he explains to her that he had to go back undercover....I can understand this explanation of his character and accept it b/c his character did simply disappear and this would be the only plausible explanation for it. I, on the other hand, find it hard to believe that they have been together this entire time.....that, again, is just my opinion. There is another scene where he walks away which is described as (not word for word here b/c I am not allowed) 'he turns and walks away, possibley out of her life forever' or something to that effect.
Either way, I hope he makes some more appearances this season and their 'relationship status' is explained as well. This whole 'up in the air' thing irks me, as someone else stated. Resolve it already.
Part of me was stating my opinion and the other part was stating some fact and yes spoilers do change but the ones out now state what I described.