Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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Well I think CBS would be stupid to not bring CSI back. Next week are the upfronts it will be confirmed then.
im thinking maybe that comment had more to do with sara being at death's door. since sara is with grissom and grissom is the target of the MCSK, sara finds herself near death at the hands of said ememy..(that made little to no sense..) thats one hell of a ramification if you ask me.
OMG. I just saw the CTV promo for "LIVING DOLL"... It looks friggen' awesome, and Sara looks really stunning- honestly. If you haven't seen it yet- I hope the promo gets online soon :)

Sorry, I just got really, really excited.. A new episode with WHOLE new scenes showed apart from the other two I've seen.

They're really beginning to PIMP the season finale out. I've seen the CTV Promo twice since the show ended an hour ago.
I am terrified to watch it. It's scarier than a horror movie! I've had to watch the promo like 3 times (to show my roommates etc) and I am still terrified! It's like a horror movie.

Agh, I am most curious as too whether Jorja's going to leave the show or not, it sounds like they might not tell us in the finale.
Can someone post the link to the site with the promo stills? For the life of me I can't find the link! ;_; (I know it's here [on this thread] somewhere...)
I´ve been thinking...if Sara dies in the season finale I will be so disappointed because for example what happen to the cocoon :confused: and I know we had some great GSR moments during the years but I was kind of hoping Grissom would finally be able to express his feelings for Sara by saying the three little words...and the finale will probably be all about finding the MCSK and finding Sara because she goes missing, there won´t be time for the cocoon, any I love you´s or even a kiss after seven years... :(I know some of you guys don´t agree with the kiss thing but in my personal opinion I was hoping to get one during the time Sara and Grissom were happy together and not (if It were to happen) at her death bed...
I am new to this forum but am a big big fan and I have watched CSI LV from the beginning so here is my take on the finale.
1. Sara will not die but she is trapped under the car and the MK believing she is dead will contact Gil at that time. Now I think you will see Gil pulling out all of the stops and go after the MK with vengeance so he can get to Sara before she does die this is where you will see the deep connection between Gil and Sara and he will do most of the foot work alone of course the rest of the CSI team will want to help and that is what will prompt Gil to revile he and Sara’s long running romance. Now this is just me trying to think all of this out.
Are the rumors about Jorja Fox not showing up to film a certain "scene" true? Why do I think the finale is going to suck because tptb are refusing to give the poor girl a raise? I'll stick with this through the finale, but if Sara dies, I'm done with CSI.

Happy I got that out in the open.
i would be disapointed to see Jorja go but i dont waych the show just because of her so i would still keep watching it...and i am starting to think that all this fuss about her coming back or not is just to make us wonder what is going to happen in the season finale
I have heard the same thing but don't think that would happen if it did there would be a whole lot Pi$$ed off fans and I am sure the ratings would go down.
She is a big part for me too. But I like Gil some of the comments and one liners he comes up with are just great.
The rest of the CSI team are good too.I find my self trying to solve the crime before they do.
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