Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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There is definitely going to be a season 8. The only things in question right now are:

1) Whether Jorja has signed a contract or not
2) How many episodes Billy has agreed to.
I just recieved an E-mail from David Rambo:

Thanks for writing. I hope you like Leapin' Lizards - there's a Grissom/Sara scene that I think you'll like. As for the finale, all I can say until it airs is that it's a phenomenal episode, a real nail-biter. Please be sure to watch on May 17th.
David Rambo
Txxgrrrl said:
Wojo said:
(ep 7x24)On YTDAW I read that Catherine & Greg process Sara's apartment after she goes missing.

Where did you see that? I looked around and couldn't find anything that said they were processing her apartment.

ETA: I looked around a bit more and I saw someone refer to that but it was speculation not a spoiler. I don't believe there are any spoilers at this point re: a search of Sara's apartment.

Sorry bout that, I saw that and asumed it wa sfrom a spoiler, I was too tired from reading to go back beyond page 30. I'll probably go back and look some more myself as well.
gsrLOVE said:
I just recieved an E-mail from David Rambo:

Thanks for writing. I hope you like Leapin' Lizards - there's a Grissom/Sara scene that I think you'll like. As for the finale, all I can say until it airs is that it's a phenomenal episode, a real nail-biter. Please be sure to watch on May 17th.
David Rambo

Thanks gsrLOVE. I'm stoked. :eek: 3 friggin' weeks, man. 3 FRIGGIN' weeks. Grrr...
I'm just hoping that CSI doesn't pull a "Pretender" or "Angel". Both those shows ended on cliffhangers, leaving it to the audience to decide what happens next. I would go mad if that happened.

As for Sara and Greg - it would not surprise me if somewhere in their backstory they knew each other in San Francisco as they were both working there at the same time prior to season 1. If the season ends with Sara missing/possibly dying, it would destroy Greg. After everything that has happened to him this season, it would be the icing on the cake. He'd fall to pieces or be close to it. And I believe he'd be one of those to lead the charge in finding her. After all, in the words of a famous quote, he "hasn't given up on her".
Sara was from San Francisco. We don't know which city is Greg from. I know they are both from California, so it Grissom. So, no. Sara doesn't know Greg when she first came on. She only trust Grissom and know him from her collage years.

I would said both, Nick and Greg will have trouble dealing with Sara is missing. They will find her and bring her home to Grissom. Greg will be hurt that he lost his chance to be with Sara.

I know Greg won't give up on Sara. He will get over it, because Sara doesn't see him that way, all she see him as her little brother, just like Nick is.
Greg worked at the San Francisco crime lab for two years before transfering to Vegas. That has always been part of his backstory, and features in both the CSI Companion and the Ultimate CSI Guide. He is originally from San Gabriel (sp?) though.

And in terms of Sara's feelings toward Greg, she has flirted with him a little over the years, but stopped doing it as much one she began seeing Grissom. I've noticed Greg has stopped flirting with her (or anyone for that matter) as much recently as well, which is probably due to all the stress he's been under this season.

And I agree Nick will be deeply affected if something happens to Sara. Those two seem to have bonded from day one, and though they are often at odds with each other, they do care about each other. I wouldn't be surprised if we see another "Gum Drops" from Nick in the season finale if Sara does indeed disappear.
are you kidding me? When Sara goes missing...or is killed off it will have a major effect on the whole team. Not just greg and nick, but everyone. They all have bonded together and are a team. I think this will effect Catherine too more than anyone realizes...
Thank you Clarrisani for telling me where Greg use to work at before he come to Vegas. He already in Vegas before Sara come.
Due to his age (around 25 in 2000), though, and the fact Sara was in San Francisco roughly 3 years before she came to Vegas, I estimate that Greg hadn't long been in Vegas himself before episode 1, season 1. A year or just over at the most. This is just my estimate since I'm not sure how long it takes to finish College. Someone else might be able to do the math better than I did.
Why should it? Nick's kidnapping had no effects on the team at all. Why would it be different with Sara?
I am just dying to know weather to know Jorja signed up for season 8... Come on Jorja girl, don't leave us hanging here!

Don't pull an Xfiles either! Those last 2 seasons sucked!
When Nick was missing the team sure was affected, but they are all professionals and still had a job to do. They are not going to completely shut down and cry their eyes out...maybe at home, but we never see that aspect of them.
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