Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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I think it would be hard not to have a CSI processing her apartment, and not be conflict of interest, since she herself is a CSI.

ETA: That would be like in GD, if they were really worried about the COI then nobody would have been able to try and find him.
allstar12 said:
I meant the specific members of her team investigating. Not CSIs in general.
Oh okay! :)

But, really, would you be interested in Joe investigating her apartment? :p

Cath and Greg working together = Aww.
gsrLOVE said:
Oh okay! :)

But, really, would you be interested in Joe investigating her apartment? :p

Well, if he's a CSI, Im assuming he's qualified to do it ;) :p

*runs before D sprays me w/ the hose*
roflmao. I'd love to meet Joe sometime. He must be so busy that we've never met him. :lol: I totally understand the conflict of interests thing. As much as I don't like it, I think they just have to do that on the show. Think about the bright side, though, if they really cared so much about the issue, there wouldn't be GD at all.

Okay, I'll admit I'm just trying to convince myself. :rolleyes:
Yeah, as of Lab Rats, he was really backed up in work :lol:

I can see Greg picking up something of Grissom's at Sara's apartment and going, "Hey... Cath... What is Grissom's (Whatever it is) doing in Sara's apartment?" hehe. Greg's so funny.
I'd be curious to know which of the CSI stars will be in Vegas to film that episode.

I find it hard to believe that Jorja might possibly leave the show. If she does, an awful lot of Sara Sidle fans will go with her. If the producers have any sense, they should offer her a huge raise to stay. I fervently wish for an end to GSR, but I sure don't want Jorja to leave the show. She's a necessary part of the group.
gsrLOVE said:
Not much of a spoiler here but:
Click here:

Coming attractions:
CBS' "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" reports for location duty April 23 and 24.

They will be filming in Las Vegas next week! :)

I don't think the script will be going through any major re-writes anymore, the filming will be finished next week for the episode.

WOW. you beat me to this ~~was just going to post this~~~ scurries around trying to see them again... no luck so far.. I'll check it out, and let you all know ;)thank's
gsrLOVE said:
Yeah, as of Lab Rats, he was really backed up in work :lol:

I can see Greg picking up something of Grissom's at Sara's apartment and going, "Hey... Cath... What is Grissom's (Whatever it is) doing in Sara's apartment?" hehe. Greg's so funny.

I was SO thinking that gsrLOVE. Great minds think alike. ;)

Although, I'm pretty sure by then, they'll know about GSR. Just because of the series of events would be leading up to it.

I can just see it now.

Greg: Uhhh...Catherine?
Catherine:(looks up from printing) Yeah Greg?
Greg: (Holds up Grissom's boxers) I REALLY hope these aren't Sara's...

:lol: :lol:

I lurve Greg. He makes me smile. :)

Though they all are probably not in a joking mood by this time of the episode, with Sara missing and all, and I know her and Greg share a subtle "closeness" I'm sure if anyone(besides Grissom) wants to find Sara, it's Greg. Especially since "Fannysmackin'"...

I can't wait for the finale though. Less than a month away!

Wow...this turned out to be a REALLY long post. Sorry. :lol:
Wojo said:
(ep 7x24)On YTDAW I read that Catherine & Greg process Sara's apartment after she goes missing.

Where did you see that? I looked around and couldn't find anything that said they were processing her apartment.

ETA: I looked around a bit more and I saw someone refer to that but it was speculation not a spoiler. I don't believe there are any spoilers at this point re: a search of Sara's apartment.
I thought Sara got a new apartment, not the old one. I think she kept the old one that nobody know where she live now. I don't think they going to Sara's apartment, if it one hours show.

I think who want to find her fast, it's Nick or could be Greg. I will said, Nick, because Nick and Sara real closed and they shared strong bond with each other. If Sara make it out alive, now she understand what Nick went through when he was buried alive.

Jorja, please stay on the show.
So, Is there any chance there is going to be a cliffhanger ending, because if there is I'll have to jump out the window!

I can't wait another whole month for this episode :rolleyes:
You know I kinda just picked this all up.. Not everyone knows about this here in Holland and I went like
"Noooo! Not my Sara!"

Oops.. she's not really my Sara...

Lets just hope Jorja stays on the show (If I have to believe other internet sites, she will but who knows..). I am not saying I'll stop watching but it would be less great without her
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