As to Ausiello I usually say "If you want to believe him or If its worth anything" then any info, I put him in the same league as E! onlines Kristin's gossip. I believe they have their sources, and I believe they get some info, the problem is that if the source is fed wrong info or info that is old (ie not updated by print time) I don't put alot of stock in it. -- His answer I don't know seemed limited on quality especially if he is guessing or questioning.
"the psycho's next (and final?) victim will look very familiar to viewers. "It is somebody we know well," hints executive producer Carol Mendelsohn. "Somebody who has been around since the first season." My guess? That "somebody" has a contract that expires in a little over a month."
My retort to him on this would be, Hmm Thanks for that but dear we figured out that much about the second killing in. Honestly I thought you would be updated by now.
Guess you get what my feelings are about him, sometimes he is right, sometimes he is wrong and sometimes he is far gone that we can't see him.
yeah ive only read his stuff a few times so i didnt know if they all turned out to be true or not. thanks D! it confuses me because everything ive read says sara is kidnapped by this janitor lady (i forget her name) but does 'victim' mean 'kidnapped and rescued' or 'killed' in this instance? hopefully it will provide some interest, tension, and drama without being tacky.
Jorja stated in an interview that everyone has signed on. I'm wondering though if by everyone she meant the CSIs. What about Doc and Brass (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO). There WAS a promo on youtube not long ago "The next victim is SOMEONE YOU KNOW". Hey, Mandy was in season one...just thinking...
Is there gonna be a mini crimscene in the ep on the 26th? That was unclear
Wojo said:
It seems obvious from the spoilers that it's Sara but you never know...
Question: I tried to go to YTDAW and it's gone! Been replaced by an H and R bloack tax site. Anyone know what gives??? (not a GSR fan but I like to sneak over there for more spoiler info)
And, it's sombody we all know> ~~~scratches head~~~ look's of puzzlement who dammit? the creepy about Fromansky? the nasty cop.. how hates everybody.. I can't believe it's one the the major cast members.. their good actors but, they all seem confused and dismayed by WHO this is as well!!
I take Ausiello with a grain of salt. Sometime's he is right, sometimes he is wrong. To me he guesses more than he has facts, "My guess? That somebody has a contract that expires in little over a month"..
All I've heard about the Season finale is that Sara is tasered by Natalie, and then we find her under a car. So what's going on between those moments?! Guess we will have to wait and see, gee.
Wait, are we sure that this victim they're talking about has to die? I mean, we know Sara will be attacked by the MCSK, which makes her a victim... so they may just be referring to her, right?
No, a victim does not have to die, alive or dead they are still a victim.
From the spoilers I've read Sara will be the victim but whether she lives or dies remains to be seen.(probably depends on her contract) It seems from what I've read the season will end in a cliffhanger with Sara's life on the line. This could change, they are probably still re-working the script.
bleh, i dont like cliffhangers. im all about instant gratification :lol:
heres my problem, the writers are going to have to do some serious magic wand waving or something to explain the whole case. we know the killer needs to have spent a lot of time in the homes to make 100% accurate models. so how does a woman get a job as a janitor at a crime lab and a chicken processing plant, as well as a personal maid at a rich singers home, an eldery lady, and a therapist? she must be the busiest cleaning lady ever :lol:
I'm going to be honest, I adore cliffhangers. But, I am a bit wary about this one. Here's my biggest concern:
Where are they going to start the story next season?
We already know that the MCSK is Natalie. We know what triggers her, and we know that Sara is slowly dying under a car...
So, that said, where do we begin? How do you start the season with so much wrapped up? Sure, there can be the dramatic rescue, but a whole hour dedicated to that? We have the killer and the motive. All that's missing is Sara...
A whole hour of Grissom brooding, the crew freaking and everyone trying to find Sara? I mean, I'm all for the Grissom brooding and everyone finding Sara to a POINT. You don't want it to cross into soap. I can't stand soap operas, can't stand Grey's Anatomy... Just do not like that type of show. So, they're on dangerous ground going with a cliffhanger. Where do you begin and what ground do you cover in the season 8 opener? Do we start ten minutes after the finale? Do we jump forward a day and Sara's still missing? Do we jump forward a few months and never SEE what happened to wrap everything up?
That's what I really want to know... Do TPTB know where they're going to begin next year... Because, I'm a bit worried about that. That'll be the key. Sure, this cliffhanger as a standalone could be rockin', but we need to see it in the context of the life of the show, so a bad season 8 opener could kill an awesome season 7 closer.
*Note I said "could." I say this because though the season 6 opener was mediocre, I still consider "Grave Danger" two of the greatest hours I spent watching a television show ever.
*is laughing hysterically now* that's the finale? A big-time rip-off?
You will never trumph Grave danger fols, because that was new, it was totally unexpected and had some majorly great acting. And now you try the same with another character?
erm, not to nit pick or anything, but replace 'sara' with 'nick' and isnt that grave danger? except it was 2 whole hours of grissom brooding, the crew freaking and everyone trying to find him.
i usually reserve judgement for how good/bad a plot is until i see the episode, but this one just seems like re-packaged plots theyve already done. i dont know, my only problem with the plot is that its not new.
I wonder If we'll get some kind of continuity with Nick during this story. I mean, could you imagine Nick turning to Warrick, Grissom, et al and asking,
"Was it like this for you ..." etc. Just wondering.
Well I heard the outcome for Sara is supposed to be resolved before the end of the finale? I hope that is true. If that is the case...maybe we will get some odd random scene at the end totally out of character for the episode. Something that has nothing to do with the case at all. Like in season 4 when Sara got held at the police station for drinking and driving. Maybe we will see something random with another character...such as Nick,Warrick, or Cath. Something fresh...and interesting. Just a thought.