Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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Okay, found it, haha.

I don't know.. The episodes themselves look great, but the way it's all put together, makes them seem not so good. What's with the whole Alien thing, anyway? I think I will wait to see the individual promos, to try and make sense of everything :lol:
sarahvma said:
The "Final Four" promo is super cheesy.


I think it's the way they've cut it, because I honestly don't see Sara playing jealous over Lady Heather. That would annoy me. Not because she isn't a viable threat - she obviously is. It's the fact that I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY do not want to see anything resembling a glare or a catfight between the two.

Jorja and Marg already told the writers to stop in the first season, then Jorja and Louise had to ask them not to do it in the sixth. I just kind of wish they'd learn the lesson, and that it's a misleadingly cut promo.

That said, if it's the first time she's really gotten wind of what went on with him and Lady Heather, that makes sense, but I hope it kind of stays there.

The alien thing looks... lame.

Thats silly they would want to drop it, since its always been part of Sara's character. She has always been a jealous type person, and it would fit well with her character, since she was a foster kid (insecurity). I think it would show good continuity if they have sara jealous of LH.
While I kind of like the idea of seeing Jealous!Sara, I don't think it's neccesary for her to be jealous of LH. The promos are usually misleading, and I think the head turn was more of a "Oh, Grissom didn't tell me about this leather-whipping-lady heather". I do agree, the alien thing seems a bit.. Lame. However; if they have "Super Dave", I know it will be a laugh; remember the last episode :lol:
Thats silly they would want to drop it, since its always been part of Sara's character. She has always been a jealous type person, and it would fit well with her character, since she was a foster kid (insecurity). I think it would show good continuity if they have sara jealous of LH.

I think it had to do, and this included Marg and Louise as well, with the frustration of feeling as though all of the female leads had to bicker at each other. There was even some tension between Catherine and Sofia in Season 5.

Thanks for the spoiler info, Wojo. In that case, it's a poorly-done promo, IMO. If I knew it was all a joke, I'd be more interested. As it is, they've done the fake alien thing before. The Lady Heather thing might finally boost ratings for the first time since they've used her as a sweeps stunt. I guess if they do try to make it seem... catfighty from the promos, then it might be a lure for Grey's fans.

As Miss Dee said, it seems like monkeys kind of make these things. Sort of like, "What can we do that will grab everyones' attention - completely forgetting any kind of quality!"

Like ruining the James Family twist in Big Shots.
Wojo said: Sorry Destiny , the spiolers said whorehouse so that's why I wrote that. I edited my post.
I understand that, and I thank you for correcting your post, its just that if just one person mis-read that, holy he!! would break loose. ;)

BTW: Happy Birthday Wojo many happy wishes to you.
You know what guys? I sure hope they don't make "Re-Cap" episodes every year. That's one less "episode" for us fanatics, ya know? I loved the LabRats one, but.. Okay.. They did a good job, just hope it doesn't become tradition.
You know what guys? I sure hope they don't make "Re-Cap" episodes every year. That's one less "episode" for us fanatics, ya know? I loved the LabRats one, but.. Okay.. They did a good job, just hope it doesn't become tradition.

I agree. Like with the Keppler arc, I think they got extremely lucky that they found a guest star who could handle himself so well, but I hope that getting people to fill in for Billy if he wants to do another play, or doing recaps if they do another killer arc, are not a continued thing.

Both cases turned out very well but will fast get dull.

In any event, lousy promo, but the next four do look good from what I know of spoilers.
is ausiello from tv guide a reliable source for spoilers? he has said the final victim of the mini killer is someone weve known since season 1 and that doesnt leave a lot of options... if it is who hes making us think it is im not sure if this would be a good or bad thing for the show
It seems obvious from the spoilers that it's Sara but you never know...

Question: I tried to go to YTDAW and it's gone! Been replaced by an H and R bloack tax site. Anyone know what gives??? :confused: :confused: (not a GSR fan but I like to sneak over there for more spoiler info)
Thanks, I also found out that if you change it from .org it will work, I tried it and it works. Maybe they also changed the address.

Thanks for the B-day wish too :D

Did anyone get the connection in Lab Rats when Greg said "will someone call janitorial to clean my Denali" Is this another clue about the janitor in EE being Natalie and the connection to bleach as well. Clues to the MCSK and the finale.
allmaple said:
is ausiello from tv guide a reliable source for spoilers? he has said the final victim of the mini killer is someone weve known since season 1 and that doesnt leave a lot of options... if it is who hes making us think it is im not sure if this would be a good or bad thing for the show

Season 1? That would rule out Hodges (and Archie, Wendy, Mandy and Henry). Not sure how far back some of the detectives go, but it sounds like everyone in the "starting lineup" (Sophia excepted) is well as Bobby Dawson...(NO!!! Not Bobby!!! :eek: ) I don't know how much stock I'd put in Ausiello but that's my $0.02 worth...
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