Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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AshleyWillows said:
When does the next new episode air?
because it's a re-run of Post Mortem this week.

I think the next new episode will be aired on the 26th of April....I am about 95% sure.....
desertwind said:
"Lab Rates' was the #1 show last week in the ratings.. and I think the writers know excatly what their doing ;) moving in new directions. as they always do, we have moved to a higher level, of writing and superior stories. and they absolutely know what their doing.. they watch, and know about the polls, and what the fans want, and will in my opinion will keep CSI, on the great level that has been S/7.. compelling..powerful..electryfing..enticing and full of unique fascination!! I have total faith in them ;)

Lab Rats was good only because it was creative like older episodes, not like newer ones.

In fact, the direction of Lab Rats wasn't a "new" direction, it was simply the old one. If you ask me, it's not a new direction the problem. The Problem is a lot of the episodes are bad, save a few. The worst episodes so far are "Empty Eyes" and "Fallen Idols".
What if the cliffhanger isn't "does Sara survive?" but "what happens to Grissom?" He could get demoted and handed a long suspension or he might quit and have to be lured back to the job during the season opener. Also, if TPTB have definitely decided season 8 will be the last season, the effects of Sara's death -- especially if her body is found right away -- could be the catalyst for various characters going their separate ways.
Please, let Natalie kill both Nick and Warrick, these two are too good actors to be nowhere near this soap!

If Sara survives and the entire season is about her, or a brooding Grissom if she dies - yipeee, the drop of the ratings will be total.

They didn't follow up on GD at all and now they make that up by doing the same to Sara? Who pays these people to re-heat old soup?

I feel like starting a mourning CSI-thread for all of us that have left of are leaving. To have some sort of conclusion and bid good-bye. And yes, contrary to what everyone believes, there's a lot of us. But most left time ago, in mid-season six around Daddy's Little Girl. I'm stupid, I live with the hope that this is just temporary insanity. Now I see it's getting worse and worse with every episode.
i wouldnt go so far as to call it a soap. theres no 'my aborted fetus was implanted in another woman and he has come back to ruin my life!' or 'i only killed her because of my tiny brain tumor clusters!!' which would actually be pretty funny... :lol:

there is the possibility that this will not be handled well. like others have said, if it ends without them finding sara (at all or alive) watching any of the characters pine over her is not something i would like to see. but, it could be an opportunity to deal with things that have been left to the sides. with this episode, every main character (with the exception of warrick) has been in a life threatening situation. it could be a common denominator that allows them all to deal with their own mortality.

but im not expecting too much just in case ;)
I don't know what to think about the finale, this sounds too much like another Grave Danger, not that I'm angry about this. :rolleyes:
You know if Sara survives then I hope she'll get as much attention as Nick got after his ordeal. ;)
So you hope Sara gets no attention then? LOL yeah your icon is pretty actuate, there has been some for NIck but not enough. I just wish CSI could give us a great finale with a great story tht does not involve a CSI getting hurt.
okok since i cant copy and paste ill say it in my own words heres wat happens

in the beginning grissom sees another miniature of sara and he freaks out thats when catherine finds out about them but tell the others to not ask questions... somethin like that then they fine out that the miniature killer is a girl named natalie one of earnie's foster children

then theres some wierd parts of natali talkin to her fathers ghost and stuff then the interrogation of natalie which ends up with grissom asking her questions... at this point they know the connection of bleach and her being traumatized by it

[EDITED: Lines short form lines from script]

all of a sudden she pulls out a tiny blade from her mouth and stabs grissom repeatedly with it and it ends with sara breathing heavily under a mustang

things can still change but i hear even though the thing got stolen they are too far into the storyline to change much sorry if i wasnt clear but feel free to ask qustions and ill try to answer them as best i can


*EDITED: Due to the rule that I quoted above using the lines from the script is similar to cutting and pasting even if any one person types it out.*
Sorry but that sounds retarted. I hope this this finale is just a silly hoax going around to get the CSI fans all p!ssed off. So now...both Grissom and Sara are supposed to get hurt. :rolleyes: My vote is this is a sick joke...if not CSI is in trouble. Hahah...maybe there is a reason the script was stolen. :D Could it be that it sounds corny?
It's posted ont he sides:it is a fantasy
This is what I've seenon the sides. and read on another forum. The sscen where Grissom is stabbed in the neck is nothing more than a fantasy by Natalie -it does not really happen. the rset of it is correct.
o ya sorry about that natalie was fantasizing about that lol ma bad she starts singing while she imagines it happening to him. meanwhile sara is under a mustang.

its been told that becuz no one knows yet if sara is gonna sign on for season 8 that no one knows if they are gonna make sara live or die in season 8 premier
The spoilers csi_pinoy wrote out are also on YTDAW.

The part where Natalie hurts Grissom is her fantasy, and while we cut to Sara being under the mustang, Natalie is still singing her creepy little tune that she is.. :D
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