Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

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OT question: This is related to some of the discussion earlier in this thread, which, granted, don't really belong in the spoiler thread, but where do they belong? I see threads about specific ships or characters, but not in relation to the rest of the team. Are there threads for specific seasons or anything like that? I can't find them, but I'm not the best at navigating massive forums like this one.

Back on topic:

myfuturecsi said:
And Warrick fans, did I hear a collective scream of joy across North America when the Divorce was spoiled for yah!

Yes. It's about time they dispensed with that storyline, considering they did absolutely nothing with it.

I just hope this means Warrick will be getting more than two or three lines of dialog in upcoming episodes. I hope the Warrick/Nick episode is a good one. It would be nice to see some good-natured competition between them again.
Yay! I didn't know about the "Big D" for 'Rick! *does happy dance*

Now maybe he will emerge from whatever dark corner they've had him in!
You really do have to wonder why they had that little subplot, anyway. It doesn't seem to have had any purpose whatsoever and given that this tidbit's coming from the finale -- 'Fallen Idols' is the finale, right? -- you've got to wonder if the divorce is going to warrant even more than a couple of fleeting references.

Ya know, one of these days I'd kill for some long-term emotional fallout.
brass_lives said:
OT question: This is related to some of the discussion earlier in this thread, which, granted, don't really belong in the spoiler thread, but where do they belong?
Its fine to ask here lets see if I can help ya.
I see threads about specific ships or characters, but not in relation to the rest of the team.
It's okay to discuss in here any character, or ship as long as it pertains to the future episode in question, (Current eps have their own discussion thread For example "Redrum" would no longer be discussed in here cause it has its own thread). You can use some past episodes for a comparison as long as it doesn't dominate the conversation, meaning as long as it is used only as a comparison we don't have a problem with it, but if past eps are discussed more then the ep you were comparing it to, it would then be irrelivant.
Are there threads for specific seasons or anything like that? I can't find them, but I'm not the best at navigating massive forums like this one.
Well each ep gets its own discussion thread about a week before it airs, We do not have one strictly for a specific set of seasons like 1-3, 4-6.

Most of the time if you want to discuss a ship if it does not pertain only to the episode you would go to shipper central and in there find the respective thread for that discussion. As to Characters, if the episode has aired in all time zones in the US you can discuss that character in the character thread in this forum.

Otherwise individual eps for instance "Way to go" you could use the search function at the top of the forum and type in the ep name and find the ep discussion for that, but otherwise you could for instance discuss the ep in the brass thread, or the Grissom thread, ect.

Hope this helps and if you need anything more give a hollar. :)
Destiny said:
Otherwise individual eps for instance "Way to go" you could use the search function at the top of the forum and type in the ep name and find the ep discussion for that, but otherwise you could for instance discuss the ep in the brass thread, or the Grissom thread, ect.

Destiny used "Way to Go" in a reference to ships. Can I assume which ship you ship? :p :lol:
There's a really nice article about Liev Schreiber in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly (#917, Jan 26, 07). As a bonus, there's a full-page picture of Liev, and he looks quite handsome for a guy I never thought was that great looking. Anyway, I can't re-print the whole article, but here's some highlights:

Corpses - even fake ones - give Liev Schreiber the creeps. Here on the Burbank set of CSI, the stage and film actor should be rehearsing his next scene as a visiting crime-scene investigator, but he can't bear to paw the grotesque replica of a fatal burn victim. "I'd rather not look at cadavers more than I have to," admits the 6-foot-3 Schreiber. "They invited me to [a real] morgue when I got here, and I said no. It feels wrong. Which means I'd make a lousy CSI."
Perhaps, but the New Yorker is bringing his Shakespearean training to bear on TV's most popular drama - and don't call it slumming. "CSI is the top of the food chain!" says Schreiber of his first series. "This is something that people are really interested in. I grew up in this artsy-fartsy house, but my mom always had the sense to remind me to never underestimate the collective consciousness."
Schreiber, 39, was approached by CSI's producers to temporarily fill William Petersen's chief investigator shoes. Schreiber had just enough time between playing a womanizer in the upcoming "Love in the Time of Cholera" and starring on Broadway next month in "Talk Radio" to shoot four episodes of CSI, which air starting Jan 18. But unlike most TV guest stars, Schreiber - who made his writing and directing debut with 2005's "Everything is Illuminated" - would take the role only if he had a say in
the story line.
"It's something we hadn't tried before, but we wanted to make the creative process as exciting for him as possible," says exec producer Naren Shankar, who had envisioned a "tragic" arc for Schreiber's character, Michael Keppler, a brooding, buttoned-up investigator from Trenton, N.J. The actor suggested another tack. "I thought it would be nice to play a redemptive character, because I've played so many who aren't, he explains.
Unfortunately, he won't spill details about Kepplar other than to say he's got a lot of baggage and is a magnet for corpses. "Oh, let's see!" Schreiber chimes. "I've found three transient girls dead, a burnt ex-con in a welding shop, a dead politician shot in the car, and lots of dead hookers."

(Edited for spelling.)
The "tragic" versus "redemptive" angle is really, really interesting. I am really glad Schreiber was given such a free hand in the creative process here. Must have made for a fascinating process.

I guess I'm still in denial (... just a little) about the fact they'll likely kill Keppler off in his final episode. Having read the backstory, I just can't stop myself wishing for a happy ending for this guy. Sadly, don't see that as forthcoming.

Damn you, Liev. You did this to me with Raymond Shaw, too. *sigh*
vegaslights said:
Destiny said: Otherwise individual eps for instance "Way to go" you could use the search function at the top of the forum and type in the ep name and find the ep discussion for that, but otherwise you could for instance discuss the ep in the brass thread, or the Grissom thread, ect.
Destiny used "Way to Go" in a reference to ships. Can I assume which ship you ship? :p :lol:
Umm actually you read me stating that Individual episodes such as "Way to go" can be discussed in a character thread such as brass.

Heads up here is a shocker for ya, ready for it? I don't ship at all. :eek: yeah I know whoa! but its true, Well wait I take that back I do ship, I ship the premise of the show, and why the show is on the air. But I do not ship couples. :D
Destiny said:
vegaslights said:
Destiny said: Otherwise individual eps for instance "Way to go" you could use the search function at the top of the forum and type in the ep name and find the ep discussion for that, but otherwise you could for instance discuss the ep in the brass thread, or the Grissom thread, ect.
Destiny used "Way to Go" in a reference to ships. Can I assume which ship you ship? :p :lol:
Umm actually you read me stating that Individual episodes such as "Way to go" can be discussed in a character thread such as brass.

Heads up here is a shocker for ya, ready for it? I don't ship at all. :eek: yeah I know whoa! but its true, Well wait I take that back I do ship, I ship the premise of the show, and why the show is on the air. But I do not ship couples. :D

I know Destiny. I was just joking with ya.


*Was messing with the whole "Way to go" situation. ;)

Here is the Liev Schreiver EW article:

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