Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

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I have to agree with pOrky. I can't picture Grissom agree with the undersheriff, he will tell his teams what's going on. I know Catherine want to tell her teams about it, but undersheriff will tell her not to tell them and she don't like it. She will tell them at the end and they will tell her, they're sorry for not trusting her.

xfcanadian, sound to me, you don't like Nick, like you don't like Sara. I know you don't like Sara around Grissom, when she always mopey or whatever she does. When she around Nick, she don't act that way.

Who's your favorite character beside Grissom?
NicknGrissom said:
I have to agree with pOrky. I can't picture Grissom agree with the undersheriff, he will tell his teams what's going on. I know Catherine want to tell her teams about it, but undersheriff will tell her not to tell them and she don't like it. She will tell them at the end and they will tell her, they're sorry for not trusting her.

xfcanadian, sound to me, you don't like Nick, like you don't like Sara. I know you don't like Sara around Grissom, when she always mopey or whatever she does. When she around Nick, she don't act that way.

Who's your favorite character beside Grissom?

no, i really like nick, that is why i don't like having nick turn on catherine so fast, it makes him look bad. I will wait till i see the eppy, because sometimes the commercials are edited badly. And yeah, I really do like sara more when she is around nick and greg, she is much better.
Okay, I can see what you saying. I don't like it either, I will see it before I judge it. I saw the preview again on my tape, I just want to make sure if I get it right. I heard Nick said to Warrick, Sara and Greg about Keppler, not Catherine, but I will watch it to see it. The preview could have us fool. I like Catherine but I don't understand her because I'm not in her shoe when it come single Mother.
Good remember commericals and promo's are edited and cut from different scenes, sometimes they are of same scenes but mostly not so much.
Ok so, I actually understand why Nick is so upset and does what he does. Now, that doesn't mean it's the right to do, but most people don't do the "right" thing anyway.

I'm thinking this is some of the effects from his kidnapping. It's a bit of a stretch and I don't think it will be mentioned at all, but it did have an effect on his personality and everything, so I personally think thats a part of why he makes such a rash decision.

Also, Grissom has always been his supervisor, and Catherine a co-worker with a little more authority than himself. Grissom treats the team better than Catherine does (I'm sorry, but he does. Not a whole lot, but he knows how to handle things better) And now she comes in and is doing something really shady, right or wrong, and is then pulling out the "supervisor" card that he kind of feels doesn't belong to her.

It's the same idea with a step parent: a lot of children refuse to except anyone as a replacement for their own parent. And when the step parent starts trying to control the child, the kid freaks out and feels anger towards the person and wants to rebel against him/her.

It's just the way humans are. So, I understand why he is doing it, and I don't dislike him for it. Apparently, she does something that really gets to him.

As for Warrick and Sara, I think they are also upset about what's going on, but I don't think that either of them would want to take a huge step like that. And I think this is where are part of Nick's past experience comes into play. They see their friend that they have known for a long time really upset about something, and of course they're going to go with him. Think of what would happen if they would have rejected him. It would not have been good, and they know that.

Now Greg knows that too, but I think he sees the danger in it, as well as the fact that he is still feeling repercussions from what happened in Fannysmackin, and I've always seen him as a being a mini Grissom, and Grissom would never go for that. But Greg's the newbie and so, he goes with it. Well, sort of. He shrugs so.. I don't know. I think his relunctantness will come into play a little later in the episode, or the ones coming up.
Hey fans.. slow down.. wait and see.. Nick would NEVER turn against Catherine.. they are "fused together their the " thick and thin team".. and nothing can change that!! remember "Grave Danger" where they fought tooth and nail to save Nick.. and in "Ch Ch Changes" when Ickly Ecklie tried to cause a rift by turning them against each, didn't work :mad:..and the list is endless. where they've covered and stuck up for each other!!! no matter if Grissom is here, or the new guy.. their a tight group, and love each other!!!

I don't think this comes down to a "split the team" in a long term sense, but it would appear to be at least a short term deal. The real spoiler I guess came in the "next episode" preview, where Keppler is shown plasticing over the windows of his office. We now know that what is going on is apparently being rubbed fairly hard in the other CSI's faces, and I suspect Catherine was right: They won't be fooled by the reverse crime scene, which is likely what brings on this mini-mutiny in the ranks. I think there is great potential for Cath to find herself in the ugly position of directly lying to people who really know the truth, and that are just going along with it to not tip her off. There is a fair risk of looking the fool this time out.

As for Sara, well, I have noticed that her character has been basically very soft and quiet for most of this season, parhaps in part as a result of finally having some sort of relationship with Grissom, but at the same time, I also think that relationship isn't exactly going in the right direction. The "goodbye" scene in Leaving Las Vegas showed that their relationship is either very strained or so exceedingly private for whatever reason that they don't dare show anything in the workplace.

Considering how quiet Sara has been for most of this season, it is just about her turn (Grissom goes away, Catherine gets to run things, Warrick is married divorced, Greg gets his legal issues, Nick is getting to be the subversive foil to Cath... it only leaves Sara to get a major play between now and the end of the season).
ATTENTION The discussion thread for the episode "Redrum" is now up, please direct all conversation about this ep to that thread, as this is for future episodes.

Thank you!
For Nick & Greg fans:
There is supposed to be a short scene with Nick and Greg in 7x17 Fallen Idols, and they'll talk about S&M and romance lol. They're also supposed to have a scene w/ Archie in the A/V Lab. But I'm taking a wait and see additude on this one, I've been dissapointed too many times.
Wojo said:
They're also supposed to have a scene w/ Archie in the A/V Lab.

I headbang in approval.
I do share your reservations, though. The Nick/Greg stuff sounds promising on paper, expectations get alternately exceeded and disappointed too often. The potential for some priceless dialogue is there, the N/G and N/G/A scenes should be a goldmine...
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