Hottie_Cath said:
Yeah that's why LV and Miami should probably switch writers.
Well, I wouldn't exactly shed a tear to see her go. We Floridians would be happy to negotiate.
The thing that's bugging me about Grissom and Sara right now isn't even particularly one of the reasons I dislike them altogether. I'm kind of frustrated that Sara seems to be only about Grissom now. Just because they have a relationship doesn't mean they have to work together all the time. One of the things I've always disliked is that I feel the relationship is a detriment to Sara's character, usually making her look weak. Well, right now she doesn't seem totally weak, but she does seem to exist only for this relationship. I'm a little worried that she's going to get kind of lost in the shuffle, because at the moment her only purpose is to be around Grissom and react to Grissom. There's nothing that says she can't be working with other people and still have moments with Grissom here and there, because it isand even though they aren't having big 'shippy' moments when they are together, the fact that we know they are a couple makes it feel like the direction of the show has shifted to be almost solely about this couple, and it makes it's distracting to those who tune in for the cases more than the relationships.
One of my biggest problems with GSR is I feel TPTB have always handled the character of Sara terribly around him. Right now she doesn't feel like a character in her own right, she's just the 'S' of GSR.
Does anybody get where I'm coming from?